Media about LIFE project


Television Malopolska – Ecomanager work

Ecomanager’s working day based on the example of the rural municipality of Nowy Targ.

LIFE programme – Cleaner air with simple changes

Presentation of the Ecomanager’s activities based on the example of the city of Tuchów.

LIFE programme – Air quality strategy in Małopolska Region

Presentation of the LIFE integrated project in Małopolska supported by the LIFE program of the European Union.

TV Link Europe – Małopolska Region Air Quality Plan

Video of the DG Environment of the European Commission presenting the activities of the LIFE-IP MALOPOLSKA project.

Clean air: what is poisoning us and how to fight it?

Kasia Gandor’s video blog about Ecomanagers’ activities in the LIFE-IP MALOPOLSKA project.

TV Małopolska – In the fight for clean air

Story about Global Clean Air Summit organized as part of the LIFE-IP MALOPOLSKA project and about accompanying Smogathon.

TV Małopolska – Effects of fighting smog

Summary of the effects of the LIFE project one year after the employment of Ecomanagers in municipalities.

Małopolska – I like it

Story about kick-of meeting of the LIFE-IP MALOPOLSKA project.

Social media

European Commision

LIFE-IP MALOPOLSKA project as a model example of use of EU funds as part of the InvestEU campaign.

European Ombudsman

Award of the European Ombudsman for Good Administration 2017 in the category “Excellence in collaboration” for the LIFE team of the European Commission for cooperation in the implementation of the LIFE-IP MALOPOLSKA project.