#EUGreenWeek 2024 traditionally in the Małopolska region. Sensible management of water resources

In recent years, people on various continents have been faced with violent weather events such as droughts and floods. Europe, too, is facing increasing challenges related to poor water management. The pressure on water resources is not only due to the effects of climate change, but primarily to the mismanagement of this precious resource.
This year’s edition of Green Week is dedicated to water conservation issues and the problems associated with both scarcity and excess of water. Local droughts as well as flooding and flash floods are significant challenges we face. This is why Małopolska is focusing on the subject of water as a key element in taking care of our climate and environment
– says Deputy Marshal of the Voivodeship Józef Gawron.
From 29 May to 1 September this year, partnership events organised by schools, universities, associations, environmental organisations and government agencies will take place across the European Union. In Małopolska, Green Week will take place from 3 to 7 June this year. As part of the event, climate and environmental advisors and eco-managers are invited to organise lessons in schools and local events on the need to save water. In addition, online lessons for secondary school students (3, 5, 6 June this year) and a regional conference for local government units entitled ‘Aqua in Futurum. “Aqua in Futurum: Innovations and Strategies for a Sustainable Water World (7 June this year). Details and the official invitation to the regional conference will be sent out at a later date.
By joining the event, together we can strengthen our environmental efforts and encourage residents to make conscious choices to save water. Celebrating Green Week is a good impetus to change daily habits to be more environmentally friendly and responsible.