The inhabitants of Małopolska are tired of breathing smog. The results of environmental awareness research in the region

According to the latest report, prepared by the Institute for Market and Social Research IBRiS at the request of the Management Board of the Małopolska Region at the turn of October and November 2020, over 89 percent residents of the province know about the existence of a smog resolution for Małopolska, and over 81 percent. positively assesses the introduced anti-smog regulations.
Residents of the region want better air
The survey also shows that the inhabitants of the region want better air in spa towns (78.4%), and that the most important task of municipalities is helping the poorest to pay their bills for environmentally friendly heating (72.1%). The inhabitants of Małopolska appreciate the help of an eco-manager in filling in applications for co-financing for the replacement of a furnace (61%) and choosing an ecological energy source (57.5%).
To the question: What actions in the field of air protection do you expect from your commune? 69.8% respondents answered that the use of renewable energy sources in public buildings (schools, offices), and 65 percent. – inspection of furnaces for waste incineration. Another question resulted in the answer that such an inspection should take place already 2 hours after notification (69.8% of respondents).
From the regional government the inhabitants of Małopolska expect support for municipalities to carry out their tasks in the scope of air protection (78.3%), promotion of new, ecological energy sources (68.1%) and information and education campaigns (56.6%).
The expectations of the residents of Malopolska are very much in line with our plans. The region already has 67 eco-managers working under the EU LIFE project, we are trying to secure funds in the National Reconstruction Plan to employ eco-managers in all municipalities in Małopolska, and to re-equip municipal guards to carry out effective inspections. According to the Air Quality Plan, as early as next year each commune should have a service point for the Clean Air grant program, which offers the possibility of up to 60% co-financing for furnace replacement. The Just Transition Fund will also provide support for air protection measures in West Małopolska.
– says Deputy Marshal Tomasz Urynowicz
Residents of Małopolska about environmental protection
- 89.2% of residents are aware of the existence of an anti-smog resolution for Małopolska, and 63.3% of respondents correctly indicated their obligations under the resolution
- 81.1% of Małopolska residents are positive about the anti-smog regulations introduced
- 78.4% of residents/Malopolans believe that air quality in health resorts should be better than in other locations
- 69.8% of residents in Małopolska are in favour of very quick intervention of inspection services in case of waste burning – within 2 hours of notification
- 69.8% of Małopolska residents indicate the use of electricity from renewable sources in public utility buildings as one of the preferred anti-smog measures
- 69.1% of the region’s residents postulate the idea of free public transport on smog alert days
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