LIFE-IP Małopolska project at the international workshop “Central European Air Quality LIFE IP Project Networking Workshop”

The meeting entitled ‘Central European Air Quality LIFE IP Project Networking Workshop’ took place on 16-18 October in Budapest. It was organised by the Hungarian LIFE HungAIRy project.
The meeting was attended by representatives of 4 LIFE projects from Hungary, Slovakia and Poland. The Marshal’s Office of the Małopolska Region was represented by staff from the Air Protection Team. The conference also brought together experts from various fields related to air quality.
Each of the invited projects presented the activities and results achieved as a result of their LIFE projects. Workshop participants addressed issues such as household heating systems in their countries. They also discussed issues related to national and regional air quality regulations. Each project also gave presentations referring to air quality monitoring and modelling systems. There were also touches relating to the activities of eco-managers, including awareness-raising education among children and residents. Examples of good practice disseminated in the region were also extremely valuable. The presentations were accompanied by lively discussions. In addition to the workshop part, the organisers of the event also provided participants with an attraction in the form of a bus tour of the Hungarian capital.
The entire event, entitled ‘Central European Air Quality LIFE IP Project Networking Workshop’, was therefore an opportunity to network, build partnerships and inspire each other in the field of air quality improvement.