Three decades of action for energy efficiency and the future of the Polish energy sector – the National Energy Conservation Agency celebrates its anniversary with a conference full of inspiration and discussion about the challenges of the transition!

Krajowa Agencja Poszanowania Energii S.A. is celebrating its 30th anniversary of playing a key role in promoting energy efficiency in Poland. To mark the occasion, a celebratory conference entitled ‘Energy Transformation – Challenges, Opportunities and Prospects’ was held in Warsaw on 16 October 2024, providing an opportunity to reflect on the future of the Polish energy sector and to exchange experiences and good practices in implementing change.
Discussions on the future of energy!
Prominent experts, energy industry leaders, representatives of public administration, local authorities, the private sector and NGOs, as well as friends, colleagues and competitors of the National Energy Conservation Agency were invited to the event to discuss the future of the energy transition in Poland and Europe.
The conference ‘Energy Transformation – Challenges, Opportunities and Perspectives’ provided a platform for a multi-faceted discussion on the condition of the Polish energy sector, the opportunities and chances that arise with the launch of successive programmes and aid funds for the transformation. The conference programme included five discussion panels, which enabled the exchange of experience, views and good practices from various sectors of the economy. Discussions focused on topics such as:
Improving energy efficiency in industry and construction
Challenges of the building sector in the context of the Green Deal
Energy transformation of the heating industry
Financing the energy transition
A vision for the energy transition in the context of achieving the 2050 goals
The conference culminated in a Gala event, during which awards were presented to entities that had made a special contribution to improving energy efficiency and implementing transformational projects.
Cooperation between the National Energy Conservation Agency and the Małopolska region
The National Energy Conservation Agency actively cooperated with Małopolska in the implementation of the LIFE Project ‘Małopolska in a healthy atmosphere’, which resulted in many valuable initiatives. Key documents and tools were produced as part of the cooperation, such as the ‘Report on the analysis of the possibilities for the development of the health resort communes in terms of reducing low emissions and developing district heating networks’ and the ‘Guidelines for the analysis of energy poverty’. An e-learning platform for Eco-managers was developed. A study visit to Denmark was also jointly organised, which allowed the project partners to learn about European best practices in the fight against low emissions. This cooperation was not only an opportunity to exchange knowledge and skills, but also to inspire each other to take further joint initiatives to improve the quality of life of local residents. We look forward to continuing this fruitful cooperation and developing further projects in the future.
Prospects for the future
The 30th anniversary of the National Energy Conservation Agency is not only a moment to summarise the achievements to date, but also a time to look to the future and set new directions for action. The energy transition is an integral part of the development of Poland and the whole of Europe, and the actions taken are key to ensuring sustainable development and achieving climate neutrality by 2050.