Andrychów on the way to clean air

During the implementation of the second phase of the LIFE project – Małopolska in a healthy atmosphere, a number of educational campaigns were organized in the Andrychów Commune to increase the awareness of residents about air care. The eco-manager tried to reach the inhabitants of various age groups, ranging from the youngest residents of the commune to seniors.
Oxford debate
The Oxford Debate was organised in May 2018 on the occasion of Green Week. The debate was attended by students of the second and third grade of the Middle School. They represented 6 opinion-forming groups: parents of small children (including those with asthma and allergies), representatives of gasworks, athletes, the elderly, miners and producers of solid fuel boilers, as well as the audience. At the beginning, the Mayor of Andrychów – Tomasz Żak gave a thesis:
I am introducing a local law which says that, from 1 June 2018, any resident who wants to replace an old non-ecological coal boiler with a new heating appliance will have to install a gas boiler. In this way, the coal-fired boilers will be gradually eliminated from the Andrychów Municipality
After the debate, the audience voted in favour or against. A discussion began, in which all groups took part, presenting their positions. At the end of the discussion, the vote was repeated, the result of which was different from the first. The debate was an excellent form of education based on real-life examples from different social and professional groups. Apart from Mr Mayor, they listened to the debate: Ewa Rohde-Trojan, Head of the Environment Department of Agriculture and Forestry, and Michał Kołodziejczyk, Director of the USSR in Inwałd. All participants of the discussion were awarded with gifts.
Educational stand during the charity event “Race for the Heart of the Zbój from Złota Górka”
16 September 2018. The Municipal Office in Andrychów organised a charity event “Race for the Heart of the Zbój from Złota Górka”. During the event, an educational stand was prepared with competitions, rebuses, crosswords and artistic tasks for children and young people. Prizes purchased as part of the LIFE project were distributed among the participants. Additionally, brochures and leaflets on air protection were distributed at the stand.
Educational stand during the “Active Senior’s Day”
In October 2018, the second edition of the Andrychów Senior Fair took place, where we prepared an educational stand. Eco-manager among Seniors distributed wing flowers, books and leaflets on the impact of polluted air on human life and health.
All Seniors, and there were about 150 of them, learned what actions should be taken to protect their health during the days with exceeding the concentrations of dust in the air.
– Eco-manager – Agnieszka Walczak

XV Municipal Ecological Competition entitled: “Take care of the air – don’t burn trash
In November 2018, the Ecological Competition entitled: “Take care of the air – don’t burn the rubbish” was decided. The competition was dedicated to pupils of kindergartens, primary schools and junior high schools located in the Andrychów Municipality. Pupils prepared art works, essays, films and solved a knowledge test. All participants were awarded. The competition was attended by 159 pupils. Pupils found out why it is worth taking care of clean air and how it affects our health. Additionally, the eco-manager informed the participants where to find information about air pollution in our Commune.
Education stand during BAJKOLAND
2 June 2019. The Centre for Culture and Leisure in Andrychów organised BAJKOLAND – an event dedicated to children on the occasion of their celebration. The eco-manager and employees of the Department of Environmental Protection, Agriculture and Forestry of the Municipal Office in Andrychów prepared a number of quizzes, rebus, colouring books and puzzles on ecological issues related to clean air. For properly performed tasks, children received small gifts and parents received leaflets on proper waste segregation and air pollution.
Summary of Phase II of the LIFE project: