Myślenice Commune fights for clean air and wants to say goodbye to coal!

Myślenice Commune is following in the footsteps of other municipalities in Lesser Poland, which by virtue of adopted resolutions have introduced a complete ban on burning coal since 2030. The board of Małopolska voivodship has just sent to public consultation a project of local anti-smog resolution. Now the vote belongs to the residents.
More and more Małopolska self-governments decide to take bolder steps in the fight for clean air. According to the provisions of the Air Protection Program for the Małopolskie Voivodship, at the request of interested communes it is possible to adopt local anti-smog resolutions. The most important assumption of the local anti-smog resolutions is complete removal of coal from 2030. In Myślenice municipality also from 1st July 2022 will not be possible to install new coal boilers, and from the beginning of 2023 will be tightened emission requirements for newly installed boilers, fireplaces and heaters using wood and pellets. The local resolution still obliges local governments to meet the deadlines for replacing heat sources already set in the anti-smog resolution for Małopolska. This means that there is only time left until the end of the year to replace the old boiler.

Myślenice sets a good example
Concerned about the health and comfort of life of its residents, the Myślenice local government is taking decisive steps in the fight for clean air. Last year, the commune has allocated almost 2 million zlotys for the replacement of obsolete heating sources under the local subsidy program. Myslenice also ranks high in replacing old boilers under the government’s Clean Air Program. Combined with the municipal subsidy program and thermomodernization relief, this has allowed many households to cover 100% of the investment costs. There are three eco-managers employed in the commune, who advise in the choice of the ecological heating source and offer help in filling in the application form. Myslenice is also investing in renewable energy sources, building photovoltaic farms, creating energy storage facilities and supporting people affected by energy poverty. Thanks to this they are a leader of energy cluster “Eko Energia – Energy Cluster of Myslenice Land”.
Consultations with residents begin
The Marshal’s Office encourages to get acquainted with the draft of the resolution is available on the website of the Public Information Bulletin of the Marshal’s Office of Małopolskie Voivodeship in the section Public Consultations and at the address Opinions and comments to the draft resolution may be submitted until 28 February this year via an online form or in writing to the Department of Environment, Marshal’s Office of Małopolskie Voivodeship, 56 Racławicka St., 30-017 Krakow.