Types of investments made
In the years 2013-2022, over 82,700 solid fuels boilers and stoves were replaced in the Małopolska region. About two-third of this amount are furnaces liquidated only in Kraków ( about 14,700). The replacement heating device was mainly gas boilers, but also connection to the heating network, low-emission solid fuel boilers and electric heating.
The thermo-modernization was carried for over 14,000 buildings. Additionally in over 53,000 buildings, renewable energy sources have been installed. Sun collectors and photovoltaic panels were the most frequently chosen source.
Costs of the measures
The cost of implementation in the years 2013-2022 of the investments related to the reduction of emissions was estimated at 4.96 billion PLN, including PLN 1.45 billion for the elimination of old boilers and solid fuel stoves, thermal modernization of buildings and installation of renewable energy sources. The cost of control activities amounted to PLN 22.5 million.
Achieved ecological effects
The measures aimed at reducing emissions undertaken in Małopolska have resulted in the reduction of PM10 emission by more than 3183 Mg, PM2.5 by 3008 Mg and benzo(a)pyrene by 1153 kg.
Changes in the level of air pollution
In recent years, the level of PM10 pollution in the Malopolska Region has been systematically decreasing. Limit value for the annual average of PM10 concentration is 40 μg/m³.
See also: