What anti-smog resolution introduces for Krakow?
The total ban on the use of solid fuels
From 1 September 2019, only gas fuels or light fuel oil are permitted in the area of Kraków in fuel combustion installations.
Types of installations covered by the resolution:
- installations that supply heat to the central heating system (boilers),
- installations that emit heat by direct heat transfer or in combination with heat transfer to a liquid or a hot air distribution system (space heaters, stoves, fireplaces and others).
The regulations also apply to the generation of heat for non-heating purposes and are not limited to private buildings. They also include occasional use of fireplaces, heating of farm buildings, public institutions, greenhouses, drying and food preparation.
Fuels approved for combustion:
- gaseous fuels, i.e. high-methane or nitrogen-rich natural gas (including liquefied natural gas), propane-butane, agricultural biogas or other types of combustible gas,
- light heating oil.
This means a ban on the use of solid fuels (coal, wood and other biomass).
The resolution does not limit the possibilities of using district heat, electricity, heat pumps, photovoltaics and solar collectors.
Legal basis:
Who is affected by the anti-smog resolution?
The anti-smog resolution is an act of local law and applies to everyone in Krakow. It applies to private buildings as well as farm buildings, greenhouses and plastic tunnels, commercial premises, industrial plants.
The restrictions introduced include installations in which solid fuels are burned. They apply to installations that directly give off heat, transfer heat to the liquid, to the hot air distribution system or to the central heating system. Therefore, the regulations apply to boilers, stoves, fireplaces, but also to production processes, smokehouse, drying room, gastronomy, etc.
Support for residents
Replacement of boilers and stoves
The City of Krakow Office offers subsidies for the replacement of solid fuels heating devices for ecological heating. Details of the program are available at:
Low Emission Reduction Program for the City of Krakow
Subsidies for heating costs
For people who incur increased costs of heating the premises after exchanging coal heating, the Protective Program of the Municipal Social Welfare Center in Krakow is offered. Details of the program are available at:
Information points
- al. Powstania Warszawskiego 10, opening hours: Monday-Friday, 7:40 – 18:00,
- os. Zgody 2, opening hours: Monday-Friday, 7:40 – 15:30
- ul. Wielicka 28a, opening hours: Monday-Friday, 7:40 – 15:30
The hotline is available: +48 12 616 88 48
Inspection of compliance with the restrictions
The inspection of compliance with the requirements of the anti-smog resolution is carried out by:
- Municipal Police,
- authorized employees of the City of Krakow Office,
- the Police,
- Inspection of Environmental Protection.
In case of violation of the provisions of the resolution, the person using the installation may get a ticket up to 500 PLN (120 EUR) or a fine up to 5,000 PLN (1,200 EUR).
Information materials about the anti-smog resolution
All information and educational materials are available for download in an electronic version on the website: Information materials.