Anti-smog resolution for Małopolska
Limits new sources of pollutant emissions

Since 1 July 2017 in the Malopolska Region it’s forbidden to use a new coal or wood fired boiler or a wood burning fireplace with emission parameters worse than those set in the EU Ecodesign Regulations:
- People who are building new houses, renovating with replacing a boiler or a fireplace or just replacing a boiler or a fireplace will be required to install a modern ecodesign device.
- For the residents who already use green heating – district heating, gas, oil, electric heating or heat pumps – the resolution will not introduce any new obligations or restrictions. However, if they want to abandon the current heating for coal or wood, they will have to immediately install a modern boiler that meets the ecodesign requirements.
Sets long transition periods for the currently used coal and wood boilers

- By the end of April 2024, it will be necessary to replace boilers using coal or wood and not meeting any emission standards. Currently it is possible to get co-financing for boiler replacement from the Regional Operational Program of the Malopolska Region or the Regional Fund for Environment Protection in Krakow. In the future – after the end of the co-financing programs – users will be obliged to replace them on their own.
- The boilers that currently meet the basic emission requirements of Class 3 or Class 4 according to the EN 303-5:2012 will have to be replaced by the end of 2026.
- Boilers meeting the requirements of Class 5 according to the PN-EN 303-5:2012 that were used before June 2017, will be used up to the end of their service life.
Introduces requirements for the quality of the used fuels to eliminate coal wastes and wet wood

- Since 1 July 2017, the ban on the use of coal sludge was imposed in the whole Malopolska Region. Coal sludge is actually coal waste – fine coal particulate matter of up to 3 mm, containing large amounts of moisture, ash and other pollutants that contribute to large emissions when burning.
- A ban on burning wood and biomass with a moisture content greater than 20% was introduced. This means that the wood before the burning should be seasoned – its drying should last at least two seasons. Dry wood is characterized by significantly higher calorific value and lower pollutant emissions than raw wood.
Introduces the obligation to replace fireplaces of retrofit them with emission reduction devices

- Since 1 July 2017, the newly installed fireplaces (also room heaters and stoves) will have to meet the ecodesign requirements. This also applies to installing fireplaces in the existing buildings, e.g. when replacing with a new one.
- Since 1 May 2024, only the fireplaces that meet ecodesign requirements or fireplaces with a heat efficiency of at least 80% will be permitted.
- The fireplaces that do not meet ecodesign standards or heat efficiency at the level of at least 80%, since 1 May 2024 will need to be equipped with a device reducing particulate matter up to the ecodesign requirements.
Controlling of the restrictions introduced

- The resolution concerns the use of fuels and heating systems, it will not restrict trade in boilers, fireplaces or coal or wood, because the Regional Parliament does not have the power to introduce legislation in this area. Relevant regulations should be established at the national level.
- Inspections on compliance with the requirements of the resolution will be carried out by authorized services (city guards and municipal police, authorized employees of municipalities, police) on the basis of documents provided by users – e.g. technical documentation, manuals, measurement results and certificates which will confirm compliance with the required levels of efficiency and emissions. If users do not have such documents, it will be assumed that the installation does not meet the requirements of the resolution. In case of a breach of the provisions of the resolution, residents can get ticket up to 500 PLN or fine up to 5 000 PLN.
Legal basis:
The anti-smog resolution for Krakow
Ban on the use of wet wood and coal of poor quality – until 31 August 2019
Since 1 July 2017 in Krakow it’s forbidden the use of the following low-quality fuels (in boilers, stoves, fireplaces):
- fuels in which the mass of coal or lignite of particle size 0-5 mm is more than 5%,
- fuels containing coal or lignite meeting at least one of the following parameters during operation: calorific value below 26 MJ/kg, ash content greater than 10%, sulfur content greater than 0.8%,
- fuels containing biomass with moisture content greater than 20%.
Legal basis:
The total ban on the use of solid fuels – from 1 September 2019
Since 1 September 2019 in Krakow will be forbidden burning of solid fuels (coal and wood) in boilers, stoves or fireplaces.
Legal basis:
Support for residents
Subsidies for the replacement of heating for solid fuels offered by the City of Krakow:
Low Emission Reduction Program for the City of Krakow
A program of the City Social Welfare Center in Krakow for those who incur increased costs of heating the premises:
Local Coverage Program for people who have incurred increased heating costs of the premises connected with permanent change of the heating system based on solid fuel on one of the pro-ecological systems
Assistance in obtaining information about the requirements of the anti-smog resolution and filling in the applications for co-financing is offered by Ecomanagers who are employed in three information and advisory points of the City Council of Krakow. The contact list of Ecomanagers is available at: Ecomanagers