Inauguration of the LIFE integrated projects in Europe

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During the official meeting in Brussels on 26 January has been presented the first 6 LIFE integrated projects in  Europe. The European Commission has selected for funding three projects for the protection of natural areas NATURA 2000 in Italy, Belgium and Finland. Two projects were aimed at implementation of management plans for the river basin in the UK and in the Germany, and a project to improve air quality coordinated by the Małopolska Region. The meeting was led by Daniel Calleja Crespo, Director-General for Environment is the European Commission, and it was attended by Jacek Krupa, Marshal of the Malopolska Region.

LIFE integrated project is a new instrument of the European Union serving the implementation of relevant strategies to improve the quality of the environment, which involve the most important institutions and partners in order to achieve the objective.

The LIFE project “Implementation of the Air Quality Plan for Małopolska Region – Małopolska in a healthy atmosphere” involves 45 partners, including 38 municipalities of Malopolska, Krakow Energy Conservation Agency (KAPE), Energy Savings Company (ESCO), Association Krakow Smog Alert, VITO Institute from Belgium, the Czech Ministry of the Environment, Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute. The project cost is 17 million euro.

European Commission – Press release
