Promotion of LIFE IP Malopolska in Budapest

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On 19 May 2016 at the invitation of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture, representatives of the Małopolska Region were attended at a conference on LIFE integrated projects organized in Budapest. The aim of the meeting was to present the experience of Małopolska Region and the German Hesse Region in successfully applying for funds from the LIFE program.

The conference was attended by representatives of the Hungarian Ministry of Agriculture headed by András Rácz, Deputy State Secretary of Environment Affairs, but also the Ministry of National Development, government agencies, regions and organizations that are potential beneficiaries of the LIFE programme in the field of air protection and water management. Experiences of the Małopolska Region in the preparation of the proposal for the LIFE program presented Tomasz Pietrusiak, Deputy Director of the Department of Environment in Marshal Office.

Participants of the meeting expressed their willingness to cooperate and exchange experiences in preparing and implementing air quality plans and LIFE projects.
