Support for the thermo-modernization of buildings under the JAWOR program

The Voivodship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Krakow announced the call for applications under the JAWOR Priority Program Improvement of energy efficiency – thermo-modernization of detached houses. The purpose of the Program is to reduce the demand for heat as a result of heating building partitions. The tasks covered are: insulation of exterior walls of buildings, roof insulation, insulation of ceilings over the last storey, insulation of basement ceilings, replacement of windows, exterior doors. It is required to reduce the demand for heat by at least 25%.
The program is addressed to individuals. They can get a preferential loan of up to 90% of the building insulation cost, with an interest rate of 2% per annum and will being subject to a remission of up to 20%. The minimum loan amount is PLN 20 000 and the maximum amounts to PLN 100 000.