Visit of the Working Group on the Air Quality Plan and Energy in Krakow

On 25-26 August this year, a meeting of the Working Group on the Air Quality Plan and Energy was held in Krakow, a great opportunity to present the actions undertaken in the Malopolska Region in terms of improving air quality and exchanging experiences with other regions in Poland.
During the visit, the actions taken by the Malopolska Region and the Malopolska municipalities in implementing the current Air Quality Plan for the Malopolska Region were presented. Representatives of the Voivodship Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in Krakow presented the conclusions of their monitoring carried out in municipalities regarding the implementation of remedial measures. The Office of the City of Krakow, along with the Municipal Social Welfare Center in Krakow presented the available aid programs for replacing heating appliances and subsidies for the residents who incur increased heating costs. The pro-environmental actions of EDF Polska SA Krakow Branch and Protech Sp. z o. o. in Zator were presented. During the meeting, the impact of the automotive industry on air quality was also discussed.
During the discussions, representatives of offices and boiler producers discussed the lack of adequate legislation and actions at the national level. Attention was paid to the need for defining regulations for the quality parameters of solid fuels released for sale in Poland, for the technical parameters and emission of pollutants for solid fuel boilers. What is more, the participants discussed the social awareness of air pollution and the need for further education of the public.
The Working Group on the Air Quality Plan and Energy works at the General Directorate for Environmental Protection within the network of environmental authorities “Partnership: Environment for Development”. Its members include representatives of the Ministry of the Environment, the Marshal’s Offices, the General Directorate for Environmental Protection, the Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection, experts on the subject of air quality.
Below, there are the presentations presented at the meeting:
Presentation of EDF Polska SA Krakow Branch
Pro-environmental actions implemented by EDF Polska SA Krakow Branch
Implementation of the cooperation agreement on sustainable development by EDF Polska SA Krakow Branch
Practical use of art. 96 of the Environmental Law
Financial support of the City of Krakow for the replacement of heating devices
Financial support of the Municipal Social Welfare Center in Krakow resulting from increased heating costs of the premises
Presentation of Protech Sp. z o. o.
Activities of Protech Sp. z o. o.
Experiences of the Malopolska Region in the implementation of the Air Quality Plan
Integrated project LIFE “Implementation of the Air Quality Plan for the Malopolska Region – Malopolska in a healthy atmosphere”
Voivodship Inspectorate for Environmental Protection Krakow – cooperation with municipalities and control of the implementation of the provisions of the Air Quality Plan for the Malopolska Region
Implementing the Air Quality Plan for the Malopolska Region, as exemplified by the Municipality of Wadowice
The impact of motorization on air quality
Activities undertaken by the City of Krakow to reduce transport emissions