A series of meetings with Clean Air Programme operators behind us!

NDE Sp. z o.o., EkoMonterzy Association, EnergiaPlus Sp. z o.o., Stargel Sp. z o.o. and Pozytywni CO2 Foundation are the operators of the Clean Air Programme operating in the Małopolska pilot area.
Last week, a series of meetings took place between the Clean Air Programme Operators and the Eco-Advisors from Małopolska. The meeting was attended by more than 260 employees of local authorities in the areas where the Operators conduct their activities. The purpose of the meetings was to enable them to get to know each other, understand each other’s roles and facilitate effective cooperation.
In addition to the Operators, the meetings were also attended by representatives of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Krakow and the Marshal’s Office, which was responsible for coordinating the meetings.
In the first part of the meeting, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management presented the assumptions of the Clean Air Programme pilot operators, discussed their role and tasks. Each operator then presented its activities and discussed its plans related to its activities in the pilot programme, including in particular its strategy for reaching residents.
What is the activity of Operators?
Operators will support residents free of charge in the process of replacing old furnaces or thermomodernising their homes. They will help to estimate the cost of the investment and the amount of the subsidy. In addition, they will assist residents in selecting equipment, materials and contractors, as well as in concluding contracts with contractors. Operators will act as guides for potential participants in the Clean Air Programme. This particular form of assistance is mainly aimed at people with the lowest incomes.
Which operator operates in your municipality?
The activities of the new Operators have been divided into the five regions of the province, which will allow for effective coordination and support for residents.
- Region 1, covering the following counties: krakowski, miechowski, olkuski, proszowicki, and the city of Kraków, will be served by Independent Energy Advisors Sp. z o. o.
- Region 2, which includes the following counties: bocheński, brzeski, dąbrowski, tarnowski, wielicki, and the city of Tarnów, will be covered by the EkoMonterzy Association.
- Region 3, comprising the poviats of chrzanowski, myślenicki, oświęcimski, suski, wadowicki, will be served by EnergiaPlus Sp. z o. o.
- Region 4, covering the counties of gorlicki, nowosądecki and the city of Nowy Sącz, will be handled by Stargel Sp. z o. o.
- The Pozytywni CO2 Foundation will focus on Region 5, covering the following counties: limanowski, nowotarski, tatrzański.
For more information on the operatives, please visit: https://www.gov.pl/web/nfosigw.