Annual celebration of sustainable transportation

Today – September 22 – was the finale of European Mobility Week (Mobility Week)! This is an event that focuses the attention of all of Europe on issues of sustainable transport, ecology and energy efficiency. The Malopolska Region is once again rising to the occasion, actively joining in the celebration of this unique week.
European Mobility Week is an initiative that was born in 2002 and has been growing in popularity ever since, involving more and more cities and regions across Europe. It is a week during which sustainable transportation is promoted.
This year’s edition of European Mobility Week focuses on a timely topic – that is, energy conservation. The slogan draws attention to the importance of reducing energy consumption in our daily travels. This means, among other things, promoting low-emission means of transportation, i.e.: bicycles, electric scooters, public transportation or carpooling. All of these forms contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution, among other things
One of the key traditional events is “Car Free Day”, which is taking place today. Passengers have the unique opportunity to use a train ticket for only one zloty. This is an excellent opportunity to leave cars in garages and travel by environmentally friendly public transport-
stressed Łukasz Smółka – deputy marshal of Małopolska voivodeship.
Malopolska in celebration of European Mobility Day
Malopolska’s cities and municipalities are also actively involved in the celebration of European Mobility Day, organizing lectures, eco-stands and actions that promote sustainability and environmental awareness. Indeed, European Mobility Day celebrations can take many forms – from guided walks to bike rides and street games. This year, the Malopolska Region has also prepared a special presentation on energy conservation that can be used to conduct lessons in schools.
Employees of the Marshal’s Office of the Malopolska Region, together with Deputy Marshal Łukasz Smółka, also actively joined in the promotion of bicycle transportation and personal transport equipment (UTO). They rode along Krakow’s bike paths on their unicycles and scooters early in the morning.
For more information on events promoting sustainable transportation, visit the European Commission’s website.