Competition: “Innovations in energy-efficient construction as a key to success – II edition”.

The Małopolska Region, in cooperation with the Cracow University of Technology and partners, invites you to take part in the competition entitled “Innovations in energy-efficient construction as a key to success – II edition”. The organisation of the competition is an element of the conference entitled: “Air Quality and Energy Efficiency, JPEE 2020” organised by the Małopolskie Centrum Budownictwa Energoszcznego in cooperation with the Association of Energy Certifiers and Auditors.
The aim of the competition is to promote innovation and energy efficiency in business, municipalities and science, and to support the development of entrepreneurship by promoting entrepreneurs, local government units and scientists implementing innovative solutions.
They can enter the competition:
- scientists, scientific and research teams,
- entrepreneurs,
- local government units,
- students, student teams.
The competition is open to individuals who can be proud of their success in developing their own new technologies, innovative production, service, marketing or organisational solutions or implementing new technologies, innovative production, service, marketing or organisational solutions
The winners will be awarded in the category:
- Innovations in the world of science;
- Innovation in the business world;
- Innovative student ideas.
- Innovation in the world of local governments;
The completed and signed form should be sent to [email protected] by 31.10.2020.
The awarded winners will present their presentation on the 1st day of the conference “Air Quality and Energy Efficiency JPEE 2020”, which will be held online.
The winners of the competition will be honoured with the diploma “Innovator in energy-efficient construction 2020”.
Where to find information?
More information about the conference and the competition, together with the regulations and the application form, can be found at .