Energy communities for local government units

On October 24 and 26, 2023. The Association of Municipalities of the Polish Network “Energie Cités” and the Frank Bold Foundation held a training course entitled. “Energy communities for local government units”, which was attended by representatives of the Competence Center and municipalities implementing the LIFE project “Malopolska in a healthy atmosphere”.
The training was aimed at employees of city and municipal offices, county offices, eco-counselors and eco-advisors, as well as climate and environmental advisors and counselors interested in the topics of energy, renewable energy and energy communities.
It was realized in two parts:
Part I – October 24 – online lecture introducing the topic of energy communities for Local Government Units.
Part II – October 26 – on-site workshop.
The online training discussed topics related to:
- distributed energy,
- types of available forms of energy communities on the grounds of Polish regulations and the basic differences between them (energy cooperatives, clusters, prosumers, civic energy communities),
- energy clusters on the grounds of current legislation with particular attention to the amendments to the Law on Renewable Energy Sources,
- prosumer and prosumer collective and the possibilities of their application,
- citizen energy communities on the grounds of the amendments to the Energy Law.
Stationary workshops included:
- process of establishing an energy cooperative/statute of an energy cooperative,
- the process of establishing an energy cluster/legal form of energy coordinator/documents and agreements in the cluster.
Opportunities for prosumer energy development in urban municipalities were also discussed using the example and experience of the Municipality of Krakow.
Free online training on energy communities COMMUNITY ENERGY ESPRESSO
The Energy Cities organization has developed a self-paced, free online course for city and municipal representatives and anyone interested in developing energy communities.
Free “Guide to the Legal Aspects of Creating Energy Communities”
Below is a link to the Frank Bold Foundation website where the free “Guide to the Legal Aspects of Creating Energy Communities” is published.
How to start an energy community? A practical guide by Frank Bold – Frank Bold