Energy efficiency on-line classes for high schools

As part of the integrated LIFE Malopolska Project under the implementation of the “Air Quality Plan for the Malopolska Region – Malopolska in a healthy atmosphere”, on-line classes were held using the Malopolska Educational Cloud on November 24 this year. The topic of the lesson concerned the broadly understood “energy efficiency”. The lecture was conducted by Eng. Michał Kaczmarczyk, PhD from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow.

The main idea of these activities was to raise the awareness of young people in relation to the responsible and conscious use of electricity, heat, water and transport in the aspect of environmental protection, with particular emphasis on reducing low emission. During Friday classes, issues related to energy efficiency were discussed, including the legal acts in force in Poland, issues related to thermal management of buildings, technical solutions in the field of construction and central heating installations, energy audits and energy performance certificates for buildings.

The classes were conducted as part of the implementation of the action “E.2. Local educational and information campaign promoting clean air” of the integrated LIFE project “Implementation of Air Quality Plan for Malopolska Region – Malopolska in a Healthy Atmosphere / LIFE-IP MALOPOLSKA / LIFE14/IPE/PL 021.
