EU support for guards controlling environmental regulations

29 local government units will receive support for, among other things, the retrofitting of municipal and inter-municipal guards for their environmental compliance checks.
During Tuesday’s meeting, the Board of the Małopolska Voivodeship selected for funding projects under Measure 2.5 Implementation of the Air Protection Programme, Project Type A: Provision of equipment equipment for municipal/inter-municipal guards for environmental compliance inspections in municipalities of the European Funds for Małopolska 2021-2027 programme.
A total of 29 tasks were selected for co-financing under the call for proposals, amounting to over PLN 15.5 million. These funds will make it possible to purchase the necessary equipment, strengthen the potential of municipal and township guards in terms of compliance with environmental and air protection regulations
emphasises Marshal Witold Kozłowski.
The amount of allocation earmarked for co-financing projects under this competition was PLN 24 million exclusively from the European Regional Development Fund. The procedure was carried out under the open call procedure.
- 16 April 2024. – 1 task for the amount of co-financing of PLN 555,211.91;
- 21 May 2024. – 15 tasks for the amount of co-financing of PLN 7,624,289.52;
- 4 June 2024. – 13 tasks for the amount of co-financing of PLN 7,410,875.50.
The following indicators will be achieved as a result of the projects:
- Number of air quality control vehicles purchased – 30 units.
- Number of measuring devices for air quality control – 216 units.
- Alternative fuel infrastructure (refuelling/charging points) – 14 units.
Full-time municipal guards will be financed under the projects – 25.