#EUGreen Week once again in Malopolska region

Malopolska’s municipalities have joined in the celebration of the European Green Week (Green Week). Ecological workshops and competitions in schools, tree planting campaigns, eco-stands at picnics – these are just some of the attractions awaiting the participants of the Malopolska Green Week.
What is Green Week?
Green Week is an annual conference organized by the European Commission on environmental issues. The main organizer of the event is the European Commission’s General Directorate for the Environment. The year 2023 is the European Year of Skills. Therefore, this year’s edition will focus on creating cross-cutting skills that contribute to sustainable development, innovation and adaptation to new conditions.
European Union Green Week 2023 is being organized from June 3 to 11.
One of the main events organized as part of EU Green Week is a conference titled “Delivering a Net-Zero World,” which will take place on June 6 – 7, 2023. It will be attended by speakers from the world of politics, business, NGOs and academia. The conference will discuss topics on biodiversity, the closed-loop economy and so-called “zero pollution.
Building environmental awareness in Małopolska
Local governments in the Malopolska region have been actively involved in Green Week celebrations for several years. A number of attractions and surprises await the youngest residents. Among them are competitions, planting actions, cleaning up parks and forests, as well as workshops and lectures on clean air.
Building environmental awareness from an early age helps form proper habits, i.e. segregating waste, saving water and electricity. Eco-managers took care to promote and develop pro-environmental attitudes through games, activities and educational actions. Adults visiting the “Clean Air” points will learn about the possibilities of obtaining subsidies for replacing old stoves, learn about the principles of energy saving and the secrets of renewable energy sources.
Check out how your municipality celebrated
In Małopolska, events promoting ecology were held throughout the month. We encourage you to join the celebration of this European event.
Name of municipality/city | Date | Name of the event |
Andrychów | 4.06.2023 | Ecological stand during the opening of the gate of BAJKOLANDIA |
Bobowa | 5-9.06.2023 | Field workshops, art contest and laboratory activities. Learning to care for the environment “Green week at school”. Ecological competitions, planting actions near the school, cleaning up the environment and the forest, and a lecture on clean air and the harmfulness of smog. Familiarization with the environmental ecosystem. Classes on renewable energy sources and electro-waste |
Bochnia (miasto) | 12.06.2023 | Promoting the Clean Air Program at a blood donation event organized by the State Sanitary Inspector in Bochnia together with the Regional Center for Blood Donation and Hemotherapy in Cracow |
Borzęcin | 1-11.06.2023 | Meeting for residents about the Clean Air Program during the Children’s Day picnic. Educational activities for the youngest children. Lecture by a forester at the Elementary School on, among other things, bees. |
Bukowno | 3-4.06.2023 | Educational action for residents during Bukowno Days celebration |
Charsznica | 06.06.2023 | Informational and educational meeting for residents of the municipality on the rules of the Clean Air Program |
Chełmiec | 2.06.2023 | Communal Environmental Competition entitled “My ECO idea for environmental protection” for elementary school students. |
Ciężkowice | 4.06.2023 | Children’s Day in the form of an animation and educational picnic. Consultation and information booth, meeting with an eco-manager. Presentation of the Clean Air program and the anti-smog resolution. |
Czarny Dunajec | 31.05.2023 2.06.2023 6.06.2023 | Meeting for residents on subsidies for replacement of heat sources and thermal modernization of buildings combined with a meeting with an energy auditor. Eco-Fair on subsidies, heating systems, RES, thermal modernization. Meeting for elementary school students on air quality, pollution and smog. |
Czchów | 4-11.06.2023 | Educational visits to schools. Clean air point in front of the municipality building and at the stadium in Czchow |
Czernichów | 4-7.06.2023 | Consultation and information point for residents, conducted by eco-managers at a picnic organized by an elementary school in Czernichów. Meeting with children in elementary schools |
Dobczyce | 4.06.2023 | Planting trees in the Municipal Park in Dobczyce. A play on environmental issues for kindergarten children. Advice for residents as part of the Clean Air Program consultation and information points. |
Gdów | 18.06.2023 | Eco picnic |
Gnojnik | 5-6.06.2023 | Meetings with residents regarding the Clean Air Program |
Gromnik | 5-7.06.2023 | Meeting of residents with an energy advisor and a poster contest to encourage the replacement of inefficient heat sources |
Gródek nad Dunajcem | 3-11.06.2023 | Lectures in schools as part of boiler replacement program |
Grybów | 6.06.2023 | Information meeting within the framework of the Clean Air Program |
Igołomia-Wawrzeńczyce | 5-11.06.2023 | Activities with a theme related to the European Year of Skills. Eco-managers will visit the Senior Citizens’ Club to introduce the oldest residents of the Municipality to concepts related to ecology and familiarize them with the principles of the Clean Air program. The Municipality’s social media will feature information and graphics referring to activities aimed at improving environmental quality |
Iwkowa | 4.06.2023 | The ecological stand of the municipality’s eco-manager and promotion of the Clean Air consultation and information point. Ecological lecture by the eco-manager in one of the schools in the municipality |
Kamienica | 5.06.2023 | Conduct an information and education campaign among residents to promote the Clean Air Program consultation and information point |
Kocmyrzów Luborzyca | 5-7.06.2023 | Education and information campaign in the Municipality through a lecture for the youngest residents. Informing residents about the Clean Air Program and activities related to the air protection program. |
Koniusza | 19.05.–19.06.2023 | A series of workshops for children and young people on recycling and waste segregation titled: I segregate garbage because I respect nature! |
Kościelisko | May/June | Lectures for children and young people on smog and air protection |
Kraków | 05.06.2023 | Conducting a meeting with the students of the Elementary School No. 158 in Krakow on the promotion of activities to improve the environment, which will be conducted by the Plenipotentiary of the Mayor of the City of Krakow for Climate Education. The meeting will be devoted to issues related to environmental protection and pro-climate activities of the city of Krakow |
Kraków (Miasto) | 06.06.2023 | Participation of the Climate and Environment Advisors of the City of Krakow in the environmental picnic on World Environment Day |
Kraków – UMK Air Quality Department | 7.06.2023 | Participation in the environmental picnic on the occasion of Environmental Protection Day. At the organized stand of the Department of Air Quality of the City of Krakow, there will be energy advisors from the Cracow Energy Advisory Center, from whom it will be possible to obtain information on, among other things: – principles of the City’s grant programs for renewable energy sources, microretention of rainwater and snowmelt, Stop Smog Program; – availability of external forms of support – ways to save energy Energy advisors will also prepare crossword puzzles, coloring books and exercise books of pro-environmental nature, as well as conduct mini demonstrations on the operation of renewable energy installations (photovoltaics) |
Krzeszowice | 7.06.2023 | A meeting with residents, who will be able to take advantage of advice from eco-advisers on financing the replacement of heating equipment and thermomodernization projects. During the action, the banking path of the Clean Air Program will also be presented by a representative of BNP Paribas bank |
Lanckorona | 3-7.06.2023 | Eco-advisor’s duty hours regarding the Clean Air Program. The said on-call sessions will be held in each locality in connection with the European Green Week |
Laskowa | 01.06.2023 | Meeting with children from the Elementary School during the organized Children’s Day |
Limanowa | 5-11.06.2023 | Clean air information desk at local events. Educational visit to an educational institution. Media campaigns in the local press and websites |
Lipnica Murowana | 7.06.2023 | Warsztaty w klasach 1-3 Szkoły Podstawowej poruszające problematykę zmian klimatu i ich skutków oraz gospodarki cyrkularnej |
Lipnica Wielka | 06.06.2023 | A consultation and information point for the Clean Air program is being run at the Municipality Office. Village and on-line meetings on air protection. Dissemination of informational and educational materials to residents |
Liszki | 23-24.05.2023 | Ecological workshops for children. Planting trees in the municipality. Meeting with residents at clean air points |
Lubień | 5-11.06.2023 | Carry out an information and education campaign among residents to promote the consultation and information point of the Clean Air subsidy program and other forms of subsidies |
Łapsze Niżne | 5.06.2023 | Educational activities for preschool children in Kacwin |
Łącko | 5-7.06.2023 | Anti-smog poster competition and prize distribution as part of the competition |
Łukowica | 5-9.06.2023 | Conducting an information and education campaign among residents of the municipality, consisting of promoting the consultation and information point of the Clean Air subsidy program and other forms of subsidies |
Łososina Dolna | 05.06.2023 | Information and consultation meeting with residents |
Mędrzechów | 7.06.2023 | Information and consultation meeting for residents with an eco-manager in the open air |
Michałowice | 10.06.2023 | Family picnic, promoting the consultation and information point of the Clean Air program, providing information on possible subsidies for the replacement of inefficient heating sources, thermal modernization of the building. Information on proper segregation of waste, removal of products containing asbestos |
Mogilany | 5-11.06.2023 | Duty hours of eco-managers at the information point on subsidies related to air protection, in the villages of the Mogilany Commune |
Mucharz | 11.06.2023 | Conducting an information and education campaign and promoting the consultation and information point of the Clean Air subsidy program during the LOLEK CUP football tournament |
Muszyna | 6.06.2023 | Meeting with children in the age range of 5-6 years to present and discuss ecological solutions of heat sources, renewable energy, opportunities offered by the Program. In addition, a quiz with prizes will be held |
Myślenice | 5-7.06.2023 | Clean air information point – meetings with residents. Educational classes on air protection for elementary school students from the city of Myslenice and the area of the village of Krzyszkowice. |
Nawojowa | 28.05.2023 5.06.2023 | Educational and environmental stand. Ecological lesson at the Elementary School in Bącza Kunina. |
Niepołomice | 11.06.2023 | Point of the Clean Air Program during a picnic for residents in Podlęż |
Nowy Targ | 7.06.2023 | Eco-manager open day |
Nowy Targ (city) | 5.06.2023 12.06.2023 | Lectures for elementary school and kindergarten students in the Nowy Targ area on the impact of air pollution on nature |
Nowy Wiśnicz | 3.06.2023 | The municipality’s Clean Air consultation and information post. An information stand where residents will be able to get advice from eco-managers on the possibilities of obtaining subsidies and receive information and promotional materials, an educational contest is planned to be held |
Oświęcim | 3-4.06.2023 11.06.2023 | Eco-advisor stand at municipal events. Promotion of caring for the environment, taking actions related to caring for the air and climate, proper segregation of waste, education of people in their surroundings |
Pałecznica | 6.06.2023 | Open day with an eco-manager |
Pcim | 1-7.06.2023 | Sent to elementary schools educational brochures entitled: We know the basics of segregation, so we’re eager to get to it! Teachers will conduct lessons with children about the principles of caring for the environment and the benefits of waste segregation |
Piwniczna-Zdrój | 4.06.2023 | Eco-picnic |
Podegrodzie | 29.05.2023 | Environmental performance for kindergarten in Podegrodzie. Promoting healthy behavior, teaching children to behave properly and care for the environment. |
Rabka-Zdrój | 29.05.2023 | Meeting on energy audit and subsidies for replacement of old boilers in the Clean Air program |
Radziemice | 3-11.06.2023 | Workshop activities in the kindergarten |
Ropa | 1.06.2023 | Meeting with students at School and Kindergarten Complex No. 1 in Ropa. A talk on smog, air quality, renewable sources |
Ryglice | 6.06.2023 | Informational meeting on the Clean Air Program. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss issues concerning the Clean Air Program and the required documentation needed to take advantage of the Program. A panel discussion with questioning is also planned |
Rzepiennik Strzyżewski | 5.06.2023 | Organization of a poster contest on low emissions. Classes in Elementary Schools on low emissions and ecological means of transportation. |
Rzezawa | 5-11.06.2023 | Promotion of the Communal Consultation and Information Point of the Clean Air Program through promotional materials such as posters, leaflets, information boards |
Sękowa | 1.06.2023 | An eco-manager will conduct an information and education campaign among residents to promote the Clean Air Program’s consultation and information desk and other forms of funding. At the same event, it is planned to carry out games/competitions with the participation of children on topics related to environmental protection, waste segregation and clean air |
Skawina | 5-16.06.2023 | Clean Air Outlet. Subsidies for businesses – consultations with an energy advisor of the WFOŚiGW for entrepreneurs. Sowing a flower meadow in the municipal green area with the participation of kindergarten children, test driving electric cars, planting a forest in Radziszów. Stand at Skawina Days, activities with a beekeeper and environmental education. Mobility event linked to Bicycle May |
Skrzyszów | 5-7.06.2023 | Promoting the Clean Air Program on a local radio station |
Słaboszów | 5-11.06.2023 | Organizing an art contest for kindergarten and first-third grade students called Green Week of the Słaboszów Municipality at St. John Paul II Elementary School in Dziaduszyce. Promoting the Clean Air consultation and information point on these days by providing information on the principles of the program to residents |
Słomniki | 5.06.2023 | Meetings with residents |
Spytkowice | 22.05.2023 | Meeting at school about environmental issues, air protection, need to replace old stoves |
Stryszów | 11.06.2023 | Organization of an eco-advisor’s stand during the Family Bicycle Rally along the Trails of Stryszów Commune combined with Children’s Day |
Sucha Beskidzka | 07.06.2023 19.06.2023 | Informational meeting of the Clean Air Program and environmental workshops for kindergarten children |
Sułkowice | 4.06.2023 | Organization of an outdoor eco-stand. Consultation point of the Clean Air Program for residents, while for children conducted by eco-managers recycling origami workshops. As part of the stand’s operation, proposed games and activities for the youngest children |
Szczawnica | 7.06.2023 | Outward promotion of the official consultation and information point of the Clean Air subsidy program and other subsidy forums |
Szczucin | 5-7.06.2023 | Meetings for students of classes I,II and III of the Primary School in Szczucin |
Świątniki Górne | 3.06.2023 5.06.2023 12.06.2023 | Dzień Dziecka, podczas którego w ramach EKO-strefy będą przeprowadzane przez ekodoradców pokazy Odnawialnych Źródeł Energii dla najmłodszych. Dzieci będą mogły wziąć również udział w ekoquizach z nagrodami oraz ekologiczny spektakl teatralny Ekonolulu. Warsztaty w Centrum Edukacyjnym w Kokotowie, na temat zasad budownictwa energooszczędnego oraz odnawialnych źródeł energii |
Tarnów (city) | 1-9.06.2023 | Environmental picnic for Children’s Day, Judo competition, swimming competition |
Tomice | 5.06.2023 | Communal consultation point. Meeting on the scope of the Clean Air Program, along with other forms of financing. The advisor, will provide information on the principles of applying for funding from the aforementioned Program. An eco-advisor will be on duty for Residents during extended office hours, during which he will provide residents with information and advice on the current anti-smog resolution for the Małopolska province, as well as help with the submission of declarations to the Central Register of Building Emissions. A shrub planting event is planned at the Elementary School as part of Green Week. |
Trzebinia | 31.05.2023 7.06.2023 | Information point and chat with children during botanical and ecological workshops, as a joint activity of the Trzebinia Municipal Public Library and the Clean Air Information Point under the project Together We Can Do More! |
Tymbark | 6.06.2023 | Information and education campaign with residents to promote the Clean Air Program |
Wadowice | 5-10.06.2023 | Conducting an information and education campaign among residents to promote the Clean Air Program consultation and information point and the program itself |
Wieliczka | 28.05.2023 1-12.06.2023 24.06.2023 | Education and information campaign in schools and kindergartens, transfer of educational materials. Organizing an Ecotheatre. EKOSTREFA WIELICZKA ecological event with presentation of companies from the field of modern heating sources, RES installations and thermo-modernization, as well as educational, sports activities and advice on the Clean Air program |
Wielka Wieś | 5-10.06.2023 | Meetings with children in schools and kindergartens. Workshops and games on smog and air protection combined with distribution of educational materials and prizes. Clean Air Consultation Point during the Greater Warsaw Market near the Municipality Office. Providing information on possible subsidies, distribution of educational materials |
Wieprz | 5-18.06.2023 | Information meetings in the form of individual consultations, promotion of the communal consultation and information point of the Clean Air Program – assistance in filling out applications, an eco-manager’s stand during the Communal Bike Rally, where leaflets, plant seedlings and a plant growing kit for children will be distributed |
Wietrzychowice | 4-11.06.2023 | Activities, workshops and meetings at school with children. Information meeting of the consultation and information point of the Clean Air program |
Wolbrom | 5-9.06.2023 | Meetings on energy counseling with residents in the presence of Mr. Mariusz Sałęga from WFOŚiGW. |
Zakliczyn | 6.06.2023 12.06.2023 | Environmental workshops “Recycling – the story of garbage”. Action to collect bottle caps “Get into helping”. Planting “flower bombs” on the outskirts of the school, allowing to increase the biodiversity of plant and animal species. Meeting with residents about the Clean Air program and other forms of funding offered by the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Krakow |
Do you want to know more?
We invite you to visit our website, where municipalities publish coverage of the events. We also recommend the European Commission’s website for Green Week 2023 celebrations across the European Union.