II Distributed Energy Forum

On November 25, 2019, the 2nd Distributed Energy Forum “Clean Energy for Everyone” was held at AGH in the Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics Engineering (building B-8, auditorium). The main topic of the event was searching for ways to provide the widest possible public with the opportunity to participate in the accelerating energy transformation. The deliberations took place on the threshold of a new term of the Polish Parliament and the Government, thus at the optimal time for seeking answers to strategic questions about the Polish transformation and the place of distributed energy in it. During the Forum, representatives of the institutions of key importance for the development of energy sector presented legislative initiatives and support programs that strengthen prosumers and energy communities.
Clean energy for everyone
The forum will include a discussion on the role of cities and regions in the energy transition, especially their initiatives aimed at involving citizens in the development of local energy, eradication of energy poverty, and improvement of the environment. Technical and market aspects of developing such initiatives, including prosumer activities and energy clusters will be discussed during the following sessions.
The organizers of the 2nd Distributed Energy Forum were members of the consortium implementing the project “Development of distributed energy in energy clusters (KlastER)”: AGH University of Science and Technology, Ministry of Energy (consortium leader) and National Centre for Nuclear Research. The Klaster project is implemented under the agreement with the National Center for Research and Development as part of the strategic research and development program GOSPOSTRATEG. Among the objectives of the project are: to develop a strategy for the development of energy clusters in Poland, to create a Competence Network for Distributed Energy as a broad platform for cooperation between all stakeholders, to develop and implement solutions to support the management of energy clusters, as well as popularization and educational activities.

Activities conducted so far under the Cluster project, in particular, surveys and discussions during seminars and workshops, made it possible to diagnose technological, social, market and legislative barriers hampering the development of distributed energy and to develop recommendations for actions aimed at optimal use of its potential in Poland. During the 2nd Forum they were evaluated by representatives of energy initiatives, scientific circles, business, local governments and NGOs involved in local energy initiatives. Representatives of relevant ministries, the regulator and the distribution system operator addressed the issues raised and presented methods for their constructive resolution.
II Distributed Energy Forum was addressed to representatives of energy initiatives, including coordinators of energy clusters and representatives of science, business, local government and NGOs interested in cooperation in the development of distributed energy.
Source: www.er.agh.edu.pl