Małopolska for Climate – the new Integrated LIFE Project has been approved by the European Commission
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Extensive work on combating climate change, including a map of the potential of renewable energy sources, a network of eco-climatic advisors, information and education activities and building cooperation at various levels of administration – these are the main assumptions of the new integrated project LIFE EKOMAŁOPOLSKA “Implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Climate and Energy”. The Małopolska Region will implement it from EU funds, together with 26 partners from the world of science and local governments.
We have just received information from the European Commission about the allocation of funds for LIFE EKOMAŁOPOLSKA. The total budget of the project is 16.4 million EUR (about 70 million PLN). 60% is EU funding, 35% is EU funding. – The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, and 5% is the partners’ own contribution,’ said Marshal Witold Kozłowski at a press conference on 30th June this year.
It is worth stressing that this is the second LIFE project run by Małopolska. So far no one in Europe has implemented two integrated projects, and only three such projects will be carried out in Poland and two of them in our region,
added Deputy Marshal of Małopolska Tomasz Urynowicz.
LIFE EKOMAŁOPOLSKA “Implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Climate and Energy
LIFE EKOMAŁOPOLSKA “Implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Climate and Energy” will be implemented by the Małopolska Region from 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2030 together with 26 partners. These are the partners: Ministry of Development, Silesian Voivodeship, AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, European Clean Air Centre, Cracow, Tarnów, Nowy Sącz and 17 poviats: Bocheński, Brzeski, Chrzanowski, Dąbrowski, Gorlicki, Cracow, Limanowski, Miechowski, Myślenicki, Nowotarski, Nowosądecki, Olkuski, Powowicki, Suski, Tarnów, Wadowicki, Wielicki. Foreign partners of the project are the Institute for Energy, Climate and Environment in Wuppertal and the Brandenburg Technical University in Cottbus.
One of the most important objectives of the project is to prepare scenarios for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions for Małopolska by 2030 and 2050. These documents will set the directions for the Regional Action Plan for Climate and Energy. No less important will be to map the local potential of renewable energy sources for Małopolska and Silesia. An interactive map of the RES potential will be created with a calculator for selecting the appropriate installation.
The LIFE EKOMAŁOPOLSKA project will also allow for the preparation of investment projects for support under the Just Transition Fund, the creation of a network of climate advisors in county structures, training for installers, designers and construction supervision staff, as well as information and education campaigns devoted to the issues of counteracting and adapting to climate change and building cooperation at various levels of administration (government, regional and local).
LIFE MAŁOPOLSKA “Implementation of the air protection programme for the Małopolskie Voivodeship – Małopolska in a healthy atmosphere”
The Małopolska Region has already successfully implemented one integrated LIFE project: “Implementation of the Air Protection Programme for the Małopolska Region – Małopolska in a healthy atmosphere”. The project is carried out from October 2015 to December 2023, and its aim is to integrate activities aimed at improving air quality in Małopolska.