Małopolska is getting greener

The Marshal’s Office of the Małopolska Region has collected information from Małopolska municipalities regarding boiler replacements in the first half of 2024.
Although the anti-smog resolution came into force on 1 May this year, it does not mean that replacements of off- class boilers have slowed down – on the opposite – Małopolska residents are still replacing outdated equipment.
Leaders in furnace replacement
In the first half of 2024, 5 172 off-class boilers were replaced in Małopolska region. The largest number of off-class boilers was removed in the municipalities of: Nowy Targ – rural area (108 boilers), Koniusza (105 boilers), Łukowica (103 applications), Mszana Dolna – rural area (95 boilers), Lisia Góra (89 boilers), Nowy Wiśnicz (87 boilers) and Krzeszowice (85 boilers).

High popularity of the Clean Air Programme
Interest in the Clean Air Programme is not waning – the people of Małopolska are very eager to apply for funds from this programme to replace boilers and carry out thermal modernisation of their homes. Data from the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Krakow indicates that 17 683 applications were submitted between January and the end of June 2024. There is a noticeable increase in the number of applications submitted compared to the first half of 2023, where 10 793 applications for funding were submitted. Most applications were submitted in: Kraków (421 applications), Myślenice (261 applications), Jabłonka (253 applications), Krzeszowice (247 applications), Wadowice (238 applications), Chełmiec (234 applications), Andrychów (232 applications) and Wieliczka (227 applications).

How many boilers are there in Małopolska region?
In Małopolska region, heating declarations for 644 860 address points have been entered into the Central Building Emission Register. It is estimated that the database is completed at a level of approximately 78.1%*.
According to the database, residents in Małopolska declare:
- boilers with ecodesign certification – 13 179
- class 5 boilers – 59 193
- class 4 boilers – 33 871
- class 3 boilers – 97 627
- non class boilers – 123 868
- total local space heaters (fireplaces, goats, kitchen cookers, tiled cookers): 268 662
Some residents of Małopolska region have more than one heating appliance in their homes. Often residents operate new heat pumps or gas boilers, but the old coal cookers are not removed. The same is true of some tiled cookers or fireplaces. Their aesthetic qualities induce owners to leave them in their homes, but they are not used because they do not meet the requirements of the resolution. In a way, this situation disturbs the interpretation of the direct relationship between the number of out-of-class heat sources and the progress in implementing the provisions of the resolution.
Remarkably, more environmentally friendly heating appliances are becoming available every year. They do not emit harmful dust and are easy to operate.
Data from the Central Register of Building Emissions shows that in the Małopolska region there are:
- heat pumps: 33 152
- solar collectors: 40 729
- connections to the district heating network: 253 399
- electrical appliances: 224 378
- boilers and other gas appliances: 673 083
- heating oil boilers: 6 646
*According to data from the General Office of Building Supervision as of 30 June this year.