Malopolska will replace more classless boilers thanks to Clean Air program operators

Małopolska is gaining additional allies in the struggle for clean air. Five new entities are joining the group of Operators of the Clean Air Program. Their task will be not only to search for potential beneficiaries of the program, but above all to provide comprehensive support to residents in the replacement of heat sources and thermal modernization of their homes.
Joint initiative for better air
The Małopolska pilot financed by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management is based on a hybrid model. For several weeks, 25 municipalities in the province have been acting as operators, and now private entities will join them.
Actions for Clean Air
On November 22, the ceremonial signing of agreements, with the entities selected in the competition, was attended by: Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management , Plenipotentiary of the Prime Minister for the “Clean Air” Program and energy efficiency of buildings Paweł Mirowski, President of the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Krakow Kazimierz Koprowski and Deputy Marshal of the Małopolska Region Józef Gawron.
Any form of support for residents in the process of replacing old heating equipment is extremely valuable. Małopolska is testing a new model of cooperation between offices, residents, and entrepreneurs. Together we care about improving air quality, but we know that for many residents, procedural complexities are a bit of an obstacle in applying for subsidies. Today we come with another solution. We are engaging companies that will efficiently and free of charge guide the resident through the entire process of insulating a building or replacing a furnace. They will help obtain and settle the subsidy, and investments in ecology will pay off with a cleaner environment.
summarized Jozef Gawron – deputy marshal of the Małopolska voivodeship

More Operators, More Action
Operators will support residents free of charge in the process of replacing old stoves or thermal upgrading their homes. They will help estimate the cost of the investment and the amount of the subsidy. In addition, Operators will assist residents in selecting equipment, materials, contractors, as well as in concluding contracts with contractors. Operators will act as guides for potential participants in the Clean Air Program. This particular form of assistance is mainly aimed at those with the lowest incomes.
The activities of the new Operators will be divided into five regions of the province, allowing for effective coordination and support of residents.
- Region 1, covering the following counties: krakowski, miechowski, olkuski, proszowicki, and the city of Kraków, will be served by Independent Energy Advisors Sp. z o. o.
- Region 2, which includes the following counties: bocheński, brzeski, dąbrowski, tarnowski, wielicki, and the city of Tarnów, will be covered by the EkoMonterzy Association.
- Region 3, comprising the poviats of chrzanowski, myślenicki, oświęcimski, suski, wadowicki, will be served by EnergiaPlus Sp. z o. o.
- Region 4, covering the counties of gorlicki, nowosądecki and the city of Nowy Sącz, will be handled by Stargel Sp. z o. o.
- The Pozytywni CO2 Foundation will focus on Region 5, covering the following counties: limanowski, nowotarski, tatrzański.
Now, in addition to advice from experts of the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Krakow and support from employees of municipal consultation and information points, in addition, the operators will offer direct assistance to our residents in obtaining funds for home insulation and replacement of classless boilers. They will knock on doors, hold meetings and lead “by the hand” everyone who qualifies for the increased and highest level of funding in the Clean Air program. There has never been such comprehensive support before, so I am confident that we will quickly see the effects of these activities in Małopolska homes
emphasizes Kazimierz Koprowski – President of the Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Krakow

To ensure that residents can be sure that they are working with the companies selected in the Fund’s competition, each of the employees providing Operator services will be equipped with a badge with a photo, name, company name and address. In addition, the details of the Operators will be available on the official website of the Clean Air Program.
In this way, we want to limit and prevent unlawful impersonation of representatives of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, provincial funds or municipalities. All the more so because we are noticing more and more cases of dishonest contractors who try to deceive our potential beneficiaries by tricking them into, among other things, overpriced heat pumps that are expensive to operate. Ineffective for the home, low-quality devices – which consume a lot of electricity during the heating period, and are sometimes sold without a warranty – find their way into the homes of “Clean Air” applicants through, among other things, door-to-door salesmen claiming alleged partnership in the program
notes Pawel Mirowski – the Prime Minister’s plenipotentiary for the Clean Air Program and energy efficiency in buildings, and vice-president of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management.

The pilot program was developed in cooperation with representatives of the Ministry of Climate and Environment, the Marshal’s Office of the Malopolska Region, the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Krakow and World Bank experts.