Małopolska with partners applies for a new LIFE project

The promotion of renewable energy sources, improvement of energy efficiency and actions for climate protection – these are the most important assumptions of the new integrated project LIFE EKOMAŁOPOLSKA, which the Małopolska Region with 25 partners from the world of science and local governments intends to implement with EU funds. The value of the project is PLN 70 million. The agreement was signed on Monday 2 March in the main building of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow.
26 partners submit an application to the European Commission
The Małopolska Region submitted an application to the European Commission to implement the LIFE EKOMAŁOPOLSKA project “Implementation of the Regional Action Plan for the Climate and Energy” together with 25 partners. This is the Ministry of Development, the Silesian Voivodeship, the AGH University of Science and Technology, the European Clean Air Centre, the cities of Kraków, Tarnów and Nowy Sącz, and 18 poviats: Bocheński, Brzeski, Chrzanowski, Dąbrowski, Gorlicki, Kraków, Limanowski, Miechowski, Myślenicki, Nowotarski, Nowosądecki, Olkuski, Oświęcimski, Powowicki, Suski, Tarnowski, Wadowicki, Wielicki. Foreign partners of the project will be the Institute for Energy, Climate and Environment in Wuppertal and the Brandenburg Technical University in Cottbus. The project in Małopolska is also supported by the Minister of Climate, the Minister of Science and Higher Education and the Prime Minister’s Plenipotentiary for the Clean Air Programme.
It is an important day and an important moment for the inhabitants of Małopolska. The agreement signed today would not have been possible without the participation of many local government entities, especially the Silesian Voivodship and the AGH University of Science and Technology. As a result of the signing of this agreement, we will be applying for quite a lot of money, because about PLN 70 million. These funds will be used, among other things, to increase the use of renewable energy sources and improve energy efficiency.
– said Marshal Witold Kozłowski.
The signing of the agreement on Monday was attended by the following people Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Development Krzysztof Mazur, Marshal of Małopolska Region Witold Kozłowski, Deputy Marshal of Małopolska Region Tomasz Urynowicz, Member of the Board of the Silesian Region Izabela Domogała, Vice-Rector of AGH University of Science and Technology Professor Jerzy Lis and Vice President of the Board of the European Clean Air Centre Łukasz Adamkiewicz. The representatives of the mentioned cities and poviats were also present.
This project is part of the whole list of measures we take for the environment. These include the previous LIFE project, dedicated to issues related to air protection, the Eco-Malopolska project, related to education and bringing environmental problems closer to the inhabitants, and the Air Quality Plan, a document we are working on which will help us to respond to challenges related to climate policy.
– explained Deputy Marshal Tomasz Urynowicz.
The competition will be great!
In the event of a positive decision of the European Commission, the implementation of the integrated project LIFE EKOMAŁOPOLSKA will start in January 2021 and end in December 2030. The programme will promote the use of renewable energy sources, improve energy efficiency and implement EU climate protection goals.
Małopolska has experience
The Małopolska Region is already implementing one integrated LIFE project “Implementation of the Air Protection Programme for the Małopolska Region – Małopolska in a healthy atmosphere”. The project has been implemented since October 2015. So far it is the only LIFE integrated project in Poland. The total value of the project is 17 million EUR. The aim of the project is to integrate air quality improvement activities in order to fully implement the requirements of the Air Quality Plan for the Małopolska Region. The project is carried out in cooperation with 67 partners, including 62 municipalities in the Małopolska region.
The meeting was organised as part of the implementation of the WP3 action of the LIFE EKOMALOPOLSKA project “Implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Climate and Energy for the Małopolska Region – Technical Assistance”. (881599 – LIFE-TA-2019), funded by the European Union’s LIFE programme.