More municipalities with the support of eco-managers

Further Małopolska municipalities have received funding for the operation of eco-managers. On 25 June, the Małopolska Voivodeship Board selected for co-financing 27 tasks submitted in the call for proposals under Action 2.5 Implementation of the Air Protection Programme, project type B Functioning of eco-counsellors in communes. The value of the support awarded is over 12 million PLN.

The municipalities that received support for project funding are: Łukowica, Rabka-Zdrój, Limanowa, Miechów, Bolesław, Szczurowa, Lipinki, Gródek nad Dunajcem, Iwanowice, Tomice, Kamionka Wielka, Siepraw, Łapanów, Korzenna, Radgoszcz, Czchów, Chrzanów, Jodłownik, Mszana Dolna, Bukowno, Mędrzechów, Uście Gorlickie, Nowy Sącz, Raba Wyżna, Tokarnia, Biecz and Łososina Dolna.

The 27 tasks selected are the last set of projects to receive funding in this call. A total of 111 tasks were selected for co-financing. The total value of co-financing awarded is over PLN 51 million. The funds come from the European Funds for Małopolska 2021-2027 programme.

The call was aimed at local government units, their unions and associations. They could apply for support in, among other things, employing an eco-advisor, setting up a stationary service point for residents, conducting information and education activities, preparing and implementing an energy transformation strategy, analysing, monitoring and counteracting the problem of energy poverty in the municipality, analysing and managing energy consumption in buildings, including public buildings, or purchasing equipment to support their advisory, educational and inventory activities.

Eco-managers have direct contact with residents. They help to obtain subsidies from programmes such as: “Clean Air”, “My Heat” or “My Electricity”. In addition, they are involved in the ecological education of residents, both the older ones and the youngest ones. They organise meetings, lectures in schools and educational-ecological stands during municipal events.

Thanks to the creation of a network of eco-counsellors in the Małopolska region, residents were able to receive expert advice on the thermo-modernisation of buildings or replacement of off-grade boilers. This model of support has proved its worth, which is why we consistently allocate EU funds to help local government units that want such an eco-consultant to operate and help residents

says Deputy Marshal Józef Gawron.
