Running for clean air in Dobczyce!

Running for clean air in Dobczyce!
This was the name of the event that we co-organized on Sunday, July 8 in Dobczyce. The runs organized as such were so popular that the participants’ limit was exhausted before the run, after two days of electronic registration.
Runs for clean air
Thinking about children of all ages, running routes with different levels of difficulty were organized – 100m, 200m, 300m, 400m and 600m. Despite hot weather, almost 170 children coped well with the run. There were professional starting numbers, blue running shirts and beautiful cast medals for all participants there on the desired finish. What is more, at the end, Grzegorz Lipiec – a Member of the Management Board of the Małopolska Region, awarded 31 the fastest participants great prizes. Our youngest participants and participants were given sports equipment useful during their holidays – swimming boards, baskets or badminton sets. Results of the run are available here.

Malopolska – let’s cycle
This was not all. Many more attractions were prepared on this day in the Regional Center of Education and Sports in Dobczyce. They included Family Bicycle Rallies organized by the Malopolska Region, they attracted crowds of the fans of two wheels. Cyclists had routes of various difficulty levels – MINI, MIDI and MAXI – prepared. At the end, the main prize, a bike, was awarded.
Other atractions
Other events organized on that day included the Pinsk Flotilla Festival. It was accompanied by the Regional Collectors’ Market, exhibitions and presentations of collections, exchanges, sales and displays of reconstruction groups and a presentation of military equipment.
Thank you for your cooperation, the great organization of the “Running for clean air” event and the great work of the organizers involved in this initiative, i.e. the KAT Association in Dobczyce and the Running Dobczyce Association. We would also like to thank for the hospitality of the Malopolska Cycling Association, the organizer of the Family Bicycle Rallies. All photos from the event is available here.
We’re coming back soon
Running for clean air comes back after holidays. The last cross-country stop, on the 6th of October, will be Krakow.
photo: Press Office of the Marshal’s Office of the Malopolska Region, Paweł Stożek KAT Dobczyce