Summary of anti-smog measures in Małopolska in 2019

The Marshal’s Office of the Małopolska Region has summed up the activities of all local authorities in the implementation of the Air Quality Plan for the Małopolska Region in 2019. All the actions taken, such as: liquidation of low-efficiency heating devices, expansion and modernisation of the heating network and many others will influence the reduction of air pollution in our province.
Elimination of coal-fired furnaces and boilers
In 2019, a total of 15004 solid fuel boilers were liquidated in the Malopolska Region. The high number of boiler replacements and liquidations from previous years was also maintained in 2019 – a 6% decrease compared to 2018. However, 46% more boilers were replaced compared to 2017 and 108% more boilers were replaced compared to 2016. The continuation of the upward trend in boiler replacements and liquidations is cause for optimism for the next years.

The largest share of replacements of low-efficiency solid fuel boilers was for gas heating (65.6%). As many as 9.3 thousand new gas customers were connected to 331.8 km of new gas networks. On the other hand, 32.2 km of district heating networks put into service in 2019 began to be used by 439 new customers.
Activities related to the elimination and replacement of furnaces were undertaken in 154 municipalities in the province, which is a few percent less than in 2018. However, comparing to 2017 and 2016, 77% and 220% more municipalities joined the fight for better air. In 2019, most boilers were eliminated in Kraków (4186), Skawina (518), Tarnów (333), Wieliczka (302).
Actions taken by local authorities to reduce low emissions have reduced PM10 emissions by 532.03 Mg, and PM2.5 emissions by 491.67 Mg. Benzo(a)pyrene emissions were reduced by 235.67 kg.
Gmina | Liczba zlikwidowanych pieców i kotłów | Redukcja PM10 (Mg) | Redukcja PM2.5 (Mg) | Redukcja BaP (kg) |
Kraków | 4186 | 91.23 | 69.36 | 53.06 |
Skawina | 519 | 21.05 | 20.61 | 8.85 |
Tarnów | 333 | 10.25 | 9.02 | 3.98 |
Wieliczka | 302 | 12.99 | 12.15 | 4.86 |
Oświęcim (miasto) | 241 | 3.79 | 3.21 | 2.25 |
Zabierzów | 240 | 12.48 | 11.73 | 3.8 |
Niepołomice | 219 | 9.03 | 8.89 | 4.97 |
Wadowice | 217 | 8.08 | 7.83 | 3.65 |
Zakopane | 197 | 8.07 | 7.76 | 2.16 |
Zielonki | 192 | 8.02 | 7.65 | 4.25 |
Chrzanów | 188 | 7.80 | 7.49 | 2.10 |
Nowy Targ (miasto) | 185 | 6.38 | 6.02 | 2.97 |

Inspections and educational measures
106 municipalities have taken measures to control waste incineration by residents. In 2019, a total of 17.2 thousand controls were carried out, during which 1.3 thousand cases of non-compliance were detected (7.5% of all controls). 75 cases were referred to court and fines were issued for a total amount of PLN 109 thousand.
In addition, 146 municipalities have taken measures to comply with the requirements of the anti-smog resolution. A total of 21,000 inspections were carried out, during which 696 violations of the resolution were detected.
Nazwa gminy | Liczba kontroli przestrzegania uchwały antysmogowej |
Kraków | 7419 |
Skawina | 777 |
Mogilany | 466 |
Nowy Targ (miasto) | 396 |
Niepołomice | 377 |
Oświęcim (miasto) | 334 |
Kocmyrzów- Luborzyca | 327 |
Rabka- Zdrój | 326 |
Wieliczka | 316 |
Zielonki | 293 |
Nazwa gminy | Liczba kontroli spalania odpadów |
Kraków | 6578 |
Skawina | 823 |
Nowy Sącz | 818 |
Wieliczka | 475 |
Mogilany | 469 |
Bochnia (miasto) | 397 |
Niepołomice | 377 |
Oświęcim (miasto) | 334 |
Kocmyrzów – Luborzyca | 327 |
Rabka-Zdrój | 326 |
In most municipalities, controls on compliance with the anti-smog resolution were conducted together with controls on the burning of waste or plant residues.
In 2019, the municipalities and districts of the Małopolska Region organised a total of more than 1400 actions or educational campaigns on air protection, which helped to reach 983,000 people
In terms of implementation of the Short-Term Action Plan, 119 municipalities have prepared and are updating a database of contacts to schools and health centres to transmit notifications from district crisis management centres about the occurrence of high levels of air pollution. In the province, 150 municipalities and 15 counties declared that they post notices of high air pollution on the website.
Reduction of pollutant emissions from transport
Municipalities in Małopolska have also taken measures to reduce transport emissions. The most important of these are:
- Expansion of city centre limited traffic zones to and parking zones to 40.1 km2, as well as investments in Park and Ride car parks
- In total 148 low emission public transport buses were purchased in 10 municipalities
- A total of 176 km of new cycling routes have been put into service (21 km belong to the VeloMalopolska). 23 communes have been actively involved in the promotion of cycling as a means of transport
- 114 inspections were carried out on vehicles leaving the construction site, and 8 municipalities declare regular street cleaning
- Poviat starosties carried out 454 inspections of vehicle diagnostic stations, where almost 1400 cases of irregularities in emission tests or vehicle technical condition were detected
Costs of air protection measures
The total cost of the implementation of measures for the implementation of the Air Quality Plan in 2019 reached PLN 1.17 billion. Including:
- PLN 154 million was spent on eliminating old, low-efficiency heating equipment,
- PLN 57 million for expansion and modernisation of heating networks,
- PLN 160 million for thermal modernization of buildings in municipalities,
- PLN 10 million for investments in renewable energy sources,
- PLN 204 million for repairs and surfacing of municipal and city roads and maintenance of road cleanliness,
- PLN 48 million for cleaning and repairs of county roads,
- PLN 162 million for the development of public transport.
Change in air pollution levels
In 2019, air quality standards continued to be exceeded in Małopolska. According to the air quality assessment carried out by the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in Krakow, exceedances of the daily PM10 limit for more than 35 days a year occurred at 19 of the 25 measurement stations. The highest exceedances of benzo(a)pyrene occurred in towns located in mid-mountain basins. In addition, slight decreases in pollution relative to 2018 were recorded within the Krakow Agglomeration. At most sites, the average annual concentration of PM2.5, remained below the permissible level set by the standards (25 µg/m3), this is a clear decrease compared to 2018.

A summary of the implementation of the Air Quality Plan for the Małopolska Region has been prepared on the basis of
- reports prepared by all communes and poviats on the implementation of the above-mentioned Program in 2018,
- data obtained from the heating inventory database for buildings in the Małopolska region (as of 08.08.2019)
- annual assessment of air quality in the Małopolska Region – provincial report for 2018 provided by the Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection (Department of Environmental Monitoring Regional Department of Environmental Monitoring in Krakow)
The report was prepared as part of Action D.1 “Monitoring the effects of the implementation of the Air Quality Plan for the Małopolska Region” within the project “Implementation of the Air Quality Plan for the Małopolska Region – Malopolska in a healthy atmosphere”, LIFE-IP MALOPOLSKA, LIFE14 IPE/PL/021 co-financed by the LIFE Program of the European Union. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.