Summary of LIFE Małopolska – April

Main events
- In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic and introduced by the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 20 March 2020 on declaring the state of the epidemic in the Republic of Poland and the resulting restrictions, the implementation of activities under the LIFE project was limited. Due to the introduced regulations, it was not possible to organise planned events with the participation of many participants. In addition, the work of eco-counsellors was limited, among other things, due to the closure of offices, remote work and the lack of possibility of receiving stakeholders.
- 22 April was celebrated as World Earth Day. Due to the existing epidemiological situation, the eco-managers encouraged to take part in online activities organised by the Ministry of Climate.
- Due to the state of epidemic danger, the Board of the Małopolska Region decided to extend work on a new Air Protection Programme. The change of the schedule is to serve, among other things, better contact with the inhabitants of Małopolska. The interested parties could only submit comments on the programme via the Internet, due to the current epidemiological situation.
- In total, the eco- managers distributed almost 1 000 information and educational materials and provided over 5 000 pieces of advice to the inhabitants of Małopolska.
C.1. Eco-managers
Advice and help for residents
In April, Eco-managers employed under the LIFE program provided advisory assistance to the inhabitants of Małopolska in the following dimensions:
- 153 people admitted in the office,
- 4493 by phone,
- 535 in writing or by e-mail
They carried out 19 inspections of residents regarding waste incineration. In 11 cases, violations were found.
Surveys from residents and applications for funding
Eco-managers were involved in collecting questionnaires from residents and considering applications for co-financing.
In April:
- 91 questionnaires were collected from residents interested in using the subsidy,
- 118 applications of residents or entities for co-financing were examined,
- 126 contracts were signed with residents or entities for co-financing and 60 such contracts were settled.
The eco-managers have entered or updated data on 3066 buildings in the heating base.
C.2. Competence Center
List of low-emission heating devices
The list of low-emission heating devices fired with solid fuels, meeting the Ecodesign requirements, available on the website, includes a total of 317 boilers and space heaters.
In April, 535 applications were submitted via the “Ekointerwencja” application available on the website (30 concerned enterprises, while as many as 505 inhabitants).
Can be listed:
- 321 notifications of air pollution,
- 187 illegal disposal of waste,
- 15 other entries.
As part of the hotline operated by UMWM, over 90 telephone reports were answered.
E.1 Regional media campaign for clean air
The Marshal’s Office of the Małopolska Region has just completed another part of the educational and information campaign addressed to the inhabitants of Małopolska.
At the beginning of February, billboards were located in the area of access roads to cities, near crossroads and roundabouts. This made it possible to reach a large group of recipients who travelled along busy routes. The billboards were located in 24 towns with 37 banners.
During the campaign, 22 sponsored articles were published in 10 different newspapers. The articles were published in the national, regional, local and specialist press as well as in the social press. For those using e-publications, the articles were available for three months in digital form on the publisher’s website
As part of the campaign, a thematic newspaper was created. The newspaper was printed with a circulation of 81000 copies. The distribution took place in 21 localities. The newspaper was distributed to residents in frequently frequented places (market squares, car parks near shops). It was also distributed to mailboxes of detached houses.
The leaflets were printed in a circulation of 41 000 pieces. Each commune and county district office was supplied free of charge with 200 pieces. With the help of eco-managers and commune employees, the leaflets were delivered directly to the inhabitants. They were also available during a visit to the Commune Office. The posters were printed in 4200 pieces. Each municipality received 20 posters free of charge.
The campaign was conducted on the Internet for people using social media. Four types of posts and a short video were published on Ekomałopolska’s Facebook profile, 7 posts in total.
E.2. Local information and education activities in the field of air protection
Educational materials on air protection
Eco-managers in communes:
- prepared 1515 leaflets and brochures and 1 poster,
- distributed 979 leaflets and brochures as well as 5 posters,
- prepared 19 and distributed 60 other educational and promotional materials (promotional materials, leaflets related to the Clean Air Program).
Meetings and events
Eco-managers organized meetings and events:
- 1 remote class for students attended by 40 people,
- 3 meetings with local leaders (22 people in total),
- 6 other air protection events attended by 86 people.
E.3 Networking with other projects
Social consultations of the Air Quality Plan for the Małopolska Region
In connection with the social consultations of the Air Protection Programme for the Małopolska Region, the deadline for sending individual comments ended on 10 April, and on 16 April for municipalities and districts. However, by postponing the statutory deadline for the adoption of the AQP by the Sejmik of the Małopolska Region from 15 June to 30 September, the second stage of social consultations may take place at the turn of June and July.
New tasks of the Eco-Malopolska Council
The Eco-Malopolska Council is working on new environmental protection solutions that will prove their worth in the new economic reality of Małopolska after the coronavirus epidemic has stopped. The activities will concern, among others, the construction of an ecological bonus, development of renewable energy sources for private use or obtaining hydrogen from municipal waste.
E.4 Promotion of project implementation
In April, the Eco-managers prepared the following:
- 3 articles in the press,
- 73 articles and posts on the Internet and community media,
- and 28 times other media
In addition, the eco-managers took part in 2 radio and TV broadcasts related to the project.