Summary of LIFE Malopolska – February 2021

Main events
- All the municipalities of Małopolska submitted a declaration of cooperation with the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Krakow regarding the operation of service points for the Clean Air program.
- The Voivodship Administrative Court rejected the complaints of the municipalities of Rzepiennik Strzyżewski and Oświęcim against the “Air Quality Plan” adopted by the Sejmik of the Małopolska Region.
- On 25 February a meeting was held in Krakow between Bartłomiej Orzeł, Tomasz Urynowicz and councillors from the Małopolska Region on better use of funds from the largest Polish subsidy programme for the replacement of furnaces.
- Due to the hacking attack on the UMWM IT systems and the COVID-19 pandemic, the implementation of the Competence Center and eco-managers activities under the LIFE project was limited. Performing full-time tasks was difficult due to remote work and limitations in accepting clients and organizing events.
- Eco-managers distributed in total almost 80 thousand information and educational materials and gave over 9 thousand pieces of advice to Małopolska residents.
C.1. Eco-managers
Advice and help for residents
In February, Eco-managers employed under the LIFE Program provided advisory assistance to the inhabitants of Małopolska in the amount of:
- 2887 persons admitted in the office
- 5132 by telephone
- 663 in writing or by e-mail
- 351 during visits
942 inspections were carried out at residents regarding waste incineration. In 33 cases, violations were found.
Questionnaires from residents and applications for funding
Eco-managers were involved in collecting surveys from residents and processing applications for funding.
In February 2021:
- 339 questionnaires were collected from residents interested in benefiting from the funding,
- 230 applications of residents or entities for co-financing were examined,
- 291 agreements with residents or entities for co-financing were signed and 7 such agreements were settled.
The eco-managers entered or updated data on 323 buildings in the heating database.
C.2. Competence Centre
List of low-emission heating appliances
The list of low-emission solid fuel heating appliances that meet ecodesign requirements, available at, includes a total of 355 boilers and space heaters.
Eco-intervention” application
1315 applications were received in February. The application is available at
It can be specified:
- 1134 reports on air pollution,
- 145 illegal waste disposal,
- 36 other reports.
The hotline operated by the Competence Centre of UMWM responded to over 350 phone calls.
Online training – Meeting the expert
The National Energy Conservation Agency, within the framework of the online training entitled “Meeting with an expert”, organised in February four events with the participation of eco-managers:
- 03.02. – Meeting with KAPE expert – electromobility,
- 10.02. – Meeting with KAPE expert – energy saving requirements and thermal insulation of buildings after 31 December 2020,
- 17.02. – Meeting with KAPE expert -ELENA technical assistance in preparing investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy,
- 24.02. – Meeting with KAPE expert – obligatory audits for entrepreneurs.
More municipalities to introduce local anti-smog resolutions!
Skawina, Tarnów, Oświęcim and Rabka-Zdrój, as well as Krzeszowice are the next Małopolska communes which intend to introduce local anti-smog resolutions. These are restrictions on the use of solid fuels, especially coal. Representatives of self-governments of the mentioned communes discussed the proposed provisions on Monday, 1 February this year during a remote meeting attended also by Tomasz Urynowicz, Deputy Marshal of Małopolska, and Piotr Łyczko, Deputy Director of the Department of Environment, Office of the Marshal.
D1. Monitoring of effects of implementation of Air Quality Plan for Małopolska Region (MPOP)
The Voivodship Administrative Court rejected the complaints of the communes of Rzepiennik Strzyżewski and Oświęcim against the “Air Quality Plan” adopted by the Sejmik of the Małopolska Region.
E.2. Local information and education activities on air protection
Educational materials on air protection
Eco-managers in communes:
- prepared 54 926 leaflets and brochures and 1900 posters,
- distributed 67 697 leaflets and brochures as well as 2035 posters,
- prepared 10 540 and distributed 11 740 other educational and promotional materials (promotional materials, leaflets related to the Clean Air Program).
Meetings and events
Eco-managers organised meetings and events:
- 1 competition for children/young people, in which 16 people participated,
- 1 meeting in school, attended by 10 people,
- 5 meetings with citizens, attended by 158 people,
- 38 meetings with local leaders, with a total of 93 people.
- 8 other air protection events attended by 176 people.
E. 3. creating networks for exchanging experience with other projects.
Grupa Azoty S.A. and the Małopolska Region signed an agreement on cooperation for air and climate protection
Grupa Azoty S.A. and the Małopolska Region signed an agreement on cooperation for air and climate protection within the LIFE EKOMAŁOPOLSKA project – “Implementation of the Regional Action Plan for Climate and Energy” during a meeting at the Research and Development Centre of Grupa Azoty in Tarnów.
Meeting on the “Clean Air” program
On February 25, in Krakow, Bartłomiej Orzel, the government plenipotentiary for the Clean Air program, met with Tomasz Urynowicz, representative of the Małopolska Province Board for Just Transformation, and Małopolska Province councilors Grzegorz Biedron and Robert Bylica. The main topics of the talks were: better use of funds from the largest Polish subsidy program for the replacement of furnaces and actions towards the energy transformation of the region.
An additional 100 million for cooperation with municipalities!
The Prime Minister of the Republic of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, announced a package of incentives in the amount of PLN 100 million for municipalities that actively participate in the implementation of the “Clean Air” Program.
All communes expressed willingness to cooperate!
All municipalities in Małopolska have declared their willingness to cooperate with the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Krakow on running service points for the Clean Air Programme. This is a significant facilitation for residents who want to replace their furnace or carry out thermal modernisation.
E.4. Promotion of the project implementation
Eco-managers in communes prepared:
- 17 press articles,
- 188 articles and posts on the Internet and social media,
- Other media were used 13 times
- and took part in media information related to the project:
37 radio or TV broadcasts.