Summary of LIFE Małopolska – January 2022

Main events
- A new reporting platform Ekoportal EkoMalopolska was launched in January. The portal will make it easier for communes and districts to report on the activities carried out under the Air Protection Program. The portal is available at:
- On January 10 and 18, online training sessions were held for employees of municipalities and counties responsible for preparing the annual report on the implementation of tasks contained in the Air Protection Programme. During the training a new reporting system (Ekoportal) was discussed.
- Eco-managers distributed in total over 41 thousand information and educational materials and gave over 21 thousand pieces of advice to Małopolska residents.
C.1. Eco-managers
Advice and assistance to residents
In January, Eco-counselors employed under the LIFE program provided consulting assistance to the residents of Malopolska in the amount of:
- 11,673 people admitted to the office,
- 9,530 by phone,
- 486 in writing or by email,
- 161 during visits,
467 inspections were carried out at residents regarding waste incineration. Violations were found in 20 cases.
Surveys from residents and grant applications
Eco-managers were involved in collecting applications from residents for funding.
January 2022:
- 1,180 applications were collected from residents interested in applying for funding.
The eco-managers entered or updated data on 20,975 buildings in the Central Energy Efficiency and Building Heating Records (CEEB).
C.2 Competence Centre
List of low-emission heating appliances
The list of low-emission, ecodesign-compliant solid fuel heating equipment, available at, includes a total of 379 boilers and space heaters.
“Eco-intervention” application
In January, 1,046 applications were accepted. The application is available at
You can specify:
- 952 air pollution reports,
- 139 illegal waste disposal,
- 38 were related to sewage and wastewater discharges,
The hotline operated by the UMWM Competence Center responded to more than 400 phone calls.
Meetings with an expert
National Energy Conservation Agency in the framework of online training “Meeting the expert” in January organized two events attended by eco-advisors:
- 19.01. – Meeting with KAPE expert – Alternative forms of financing photovoltaic investments in TSU,
- 26.01. – Meeting with KAPE expert – Air pollutions – influence of emission sources on air quality and health of inhabitants.

Training on the new reporting system (Małopolska Exportal)!
On January 10 and 18 there were held trainings in an online form directed to the employees of communes and districts responsible for preparation of annual report on the realization of tasks included in the Program for air protection. During the training a new reporting system (Malopolska Eco-portal) was discussed. The principles of creating accounts and each issue included in the reports (of communes and districts) were discussed, paying attention to the most problematic issues. Participants’ questions were answered. A total of 300 participants took part in both editions.
D1. Monitoring the effects of the implementation of the Air Protection Programme for Małopolskie Province (MPOP)
A new reporting platform Ekoportal EkoMalopolska was launched in January. Representatives of municipalities and counties in order to provide their reports from the area of the Air Protection Program will use the dedicated Portal, which is available at:

E.2 Local information and education activities on air protection
Educational materials on air protection
Eco-managers in municipalities:
- distributed 21,899 flyers and brochures and 570 posters,
- prepared and distributed 19,191 other educational and promotional materials (promotional materials, leaflets connected with the Clean Air Programme).

Meetings & Events
Eco-managers have organized meetings and events:
- 4 school meetings attended by 80 people,
- 6 meetings with residents attended by 1,025 people,
- 23 meetings with local leaders, totaling 106 people.
- 5 other air protection events attended by 10,034 people.

Use of media
Eco-managers in the municipalities have prepared:
- 28 articles in the press,
- 171 articles and posts online and in social media,
- 32 times other media were used
and participated in media releases related to the project:
- 10 radio or TV broadcasts.