Summary of LIFE Malopolska – June 2024

The competence centre coordinates activities to strengthen the implementation of the Air Protection Programme. It provides continuous support and training for eco-managers in all relevant fields. The centre also develops tools to support the work of the eco-managers.


  • On 19 June, another conference organised by the Department of the Environment of the Marshal’s Office of the Malopolska Region was held at the Home Army Museum in Cracow. The theme of the meeting was modern heating systems. The event was full of interesting lectures, analyses and debates on the future of the energy sector. Among the invited guests were experts from the energy sector, representatives of local authorities and institutions interested in modern heating solutions. The meeting was a great opportunity for everyone to learn more about, among other things, the current challenges facing the energy market in Poland.
  • On 24-25 June 2024, Katowice became the centre of discussion on air protection thanks to a study visit by the Partnership: Environment for Development project. The meeting brought together air protection specialists from all over the country. The first day of the discussion focused on the preparation of Air Protection Programmes, the implementation of tasks and the reporting on their implementation. Good practices and mechanisms to support municipalities in the implementation of tasks included in the POP were presented. Malopolska shared its experience in the implementation of the LIFE IP Malopolska project and the starting project Implementation of the Air Protection Programme financed from the European Funds for Malopolska 2021-2027. The second day of the visit included a trip to the University Laboratory of Atmospheric Control (ULKA) in Sosnowiec. Researchers and students from the University of Silesia presented their innovative methods for studying atmospheric pollution.
  • On 12 June, a meeting was held to discuss the concept of joint municipal guards, which could address the challenges of funding and effectiveness of anti-smog measures. Adam Mandera, commander of the municipal guards, talked about the practical aspects of organising, running and financing inter-municipal guards.
  • 29 local government units will receive support for, among other things, the retrofitting of municipal and inter-municipal guards to carry out environmental compliance checks. The amount of the allocation earmarked for co-financing projects under this competition was PLN 24 million exclusively from the European Regional Development Fund.
  • Further Małopolska municipalities have received funding for the operation of eco-managers. On 25 June, the Małopolska Voivodeship Board selected for co-financing 27 tasks submitted in the call for proposals under Action 2.5 Implementation of the Air Protection Programme, project type B Functioning of eco-managers in communes. The value of the support awarded is over 12 million PLN.
  • Representatives of the Competence Centre took part in the following webinars in the series “Meeting with a KAPE expert”.
    • 12.06 – “Integration of building renovation passports into energy performance certification systems”
    • 19.05 – “Climate neutrality in Local Government Units”.

C2. Competence Centre

„Eco-intervention” application

In June, 216 applications were accepted through an application also available on the website

Listed were:

  • 117 reports of air pollution,
  • 49 reports of wild dumps,
  • 24 reports of sewage and waste discharge,
  • 16 reports classified as ‘other’ reports,

The Competence Centre responded to more than 25 enquiries addressed to the Marshal’s Office of the Małopolska Region in the form of e-mails and 35 telephone enquiries.
