LIFE air quality projects working meeting

On 31 July, an online meeting was held with representatives from three LIFE projects: Malopolska in a Healthy Atmosphere, HungAiry from Hungary and Populair from Slovakia. The aim of the meeting was to prepare for the October workshop to be organised in Hungary.
Cooperation of LIFE projects
In October, the LIFE HungAiry team is organising a workshop to exchange knowledge and experience on air protection. A similar meeting was already held in May 2023 in Slovakia.
The October event will also be attended by representatives of the LIFE Podkarpackie – Live and Breathe project, which started in January this year. The LIFE Podkarpackie project aims to improve air quality and increase energy efficiency in the region. It offers residents advice and support in choosing funding sources and in applying for grants. Advisors employed under the programme also support residents in the selection of heating systems, thermo-modernisation and renewable energy sources. In addition, the project includes, among other things, the creation of a municipal energy management system and a contribution to improved spatial planning.
International project meeting
During the online meeting, participants held an initial consultation on the upcoming workshop. They focused on discussing the key topics of the October event. Together, they agreed that the workshop would address issues such as air protection programmes, new legal requirements and public information on air quality.
These topics are of great importance for all countries implementing LIFE projects. The joint discussion will certainly allow the exchange of experiences and best practices among participants. Clean transport zones, the electric car market and the development of RES will also be addressed. These are important topics both in terms of environmental protection and energy policy, which differs in each country.
One of the key topics will certainly be household heating. Workshop participants will discuss heating problems, opportunities for improvement and methods to raise awareness among residents. In October, they will also discuss how to manage the eco-manager system and how to ensure the sustainability of project results. The workshop will certainly not be short of examples of good practice that can inspire action in other projects and locations.

Małopolska was represented by: Katarzyna Stadnik – head of the Air Protection Team and Klaudia Kowalczyk. The online meeting was an important step in preparation for the October workshop. Through a joint discussion, participants were able to work out the best methods and topics to further develop LIFE projects and improve air quality in the region.
Representatives of European projects