Summary of LIFE Malopolska – March 2023

- On March 16, in Warsaw, an award ceremony was held for the “Energy Transformation Leader” competition. Malopolska Voivodeship was awarded by the chapter for the implementation of two LIFE integrated projects. The award was received by Deputy Director of the Department of Environment Piotr Łyczko.
- A webinar in the series “Meeting with a KAPE expert” was held on March 1. Tomasz Pietrusiak-Deputy Director of the Department of Environment acted as an expert. During his presentation, he discussed the effects of the work of eco-managers and climate and environmental advisors operating in the Małopolska province.
- On March 7, a virtual meeting was held as part of the ClimAct CEE Project. During the webinar, participants discussed the possibilities of creating so-called “Low Emission Zones”, or Clean Transportation Zones. During the meeting, Deputy Director of the Department of Environment Tomasz Pietrusiak introduced the participants to the topic of anti-smog resolutions.
- On March 8-9, the 6th Clean Air Congress was held at the Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw. This year’s Congress focused on the multidimensional aspect of air protection. At the invitation of the organizers, Katarzyna Stadnik, Head of the Air Protection Team, gave a lecture. In her presentation she answered the question “Why should there be an eco-managers in every municipality?” based on the experience of the Malopolska Region in the implementation of the LIFE project.
- Eco-managers distributed a total of more than 15,000 informational and educational materials and provided more than 14,000 pieces of advice to residents of Malopolska.
C.1 Eco-managers
Advice and assistance to residents
In March, Eco-managers employed under the LIFE program provided counseling assistance to residents of Malopolska in the amount of:
- 6,707 persons admitted in the office
- 6,947 by telephone
- 594 in writing or by e-mail
- 601 during field visits
744 inspections were carried out with residents regarding waste incineration. In 32 cases, violations were found.
Surveys from residents and applications for funding
Eco-managers were involved in collecting applications for funding from residents. As of March 2023:
- 427 applications were collected from residents interested in benefiting from subsidies for heat source replacement.
The eco-managers entered or updated data on 7,290 properties in the Central Energy Efficiency and Building Heating Records (CEEB).
C.2 Competence Center
“Eco-intervention” application
In March, 545 applications were accepted. The application is available at
It can be specified:
- 236 reports of air pollution,
- 200 illegal waste disposal,
- 85 related to sewage and waste discharge,
- 24 were classified as other notifications,
The Competence Center responded to more than 150 inquiries addressed to UMWM in the form of e-mails and 180 telephone inquiries.
Meeting with an expert
The National Energy Conservation Agency, as part of its online training course titled “Meeting with an expert,” held three events in March, attended by eco-managers:
01.03 – Experiences and good practices of the Małopolska region in creating a network of eco-managers,
15.03 – Financing of investments increasing energy efficiency on the example of BOŚ,
29.03 – Geothermal as an opportunity for energy transformation of local governments.

Workshop to develop energy skills among young adults
On March 3, representatives of the Competence Center took part in a workshop to discuss issues related to the sustainable use of energy in the context of education and increasing public competence in this area.

Energy revolution at ENEX in Kielce!
On March 8, the jubilee 25th edition of the International Fair of Energy and Electronics and Renewable Energy Sources was held. The energy fair was accompanied by numerous industry conferences, workshops and trainings. The event was attended by representatives of the LIFE project “Małopolska in a healthy atmosphere”.

Training for eco-managers on effective communication with the resident
In March, another training was held on effective communication of eco-managers with residents. The workshops were a great opportunity to improve communication techniques with callers who are potential beneficiaries of the Clean Air Program. The series of trainings was organized as part of the Clean Air Academy in cooperation between the Malopolska Region and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and the Polish Smog Alarm. So far, more than 170 people have taken part in the trainings.
Update of the Air Protection Program and Short-Term Action Plan – stakeholder meeting
On March 23, a working meeting was held between representatives of the Marshal’s Office of Małopolska Voivodeship, the Regional Crisis Management Center, the Chief Inspector of Environmental Protection and the Regional Inspector of Environmental Protection. During the meeting, the preliminary assumptions for updating the Short-Term Action Plan in the Air Protection Program for Małopolska Province were presented. The approach to procedures for declaring degrees of emergency was also discussed.

E.2 Local air protection information and education activities
Educational materials on air protection
Eco-managers in the municipalities:
- distributed 6,358 leaflets and brochures and 485 posters,
- prepared and distributed 8,504 other educational and promotional materials (promotional materials, leaflets related to the Clean Air Program, board games and school materials for children).

Meetings and events
Eco-managers organized meetings and events:
- 1 competition for children and young people,
- 34 meetings in schools and kindergartens, attended by 2,389 people,
- 25 meetings with local residents, attended by 666 people,
- 68 meetings with local leaders, with a total of 192 people,
- 14 other events on air protection, attended by 2,405 people.

Use of media
Eco-managers in the municipalities have prepared:
- 25 articles in the press,
- 124 articles and posts on the Internet and social media,
- 45 times used other media
and took part in media information related to the project: 17 radio or TV broadcasts.
E3. Networking to share experiences with other projects
We share our experience and best practices in creating a network of Eco-managers!
A webinar in the series “Meeting with a KAPE expert” was held on March 1. Tomasz Pietrusiak-Deputy Director of the Department of Environment acted as an expert. During his presentation, he discussed the effects of the work of eco-managers and climate and environment advisors operating in the Małopolska province. He explained, among other things: what a huge benefit it is for municipalities to employ people responsible for implementing strategies to improve air quality at the local level.

Clean Transportation Zones and efforts to improve air quality in Europe
On March 7, a virtual meeting was held as part of the ClimAct CEE Project. During the webinar, participants discussed the possibilities of creating so-called “Low Emission Zones”, or Clean Transit Zones. During the meeting, Deputy Director of the Department of Environment Tomasz Pietrusiak introduced the webinar participants to the topic of anti-smog resolutions. He discussed the challenges and opportunities to apply the developed solutions in other regions, as well as the scale of the effects of the measures taken. He also described the effects of the implementation of the LIFE integrated program for air quality in the voivodeship, including the work of Eco-managers and the operation of the Air Protection Program.

VI Clean Air Congress – protecting the air in Poland!
On March 8-9, the 6th Clean Air Congress was held at the Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw. This year’s Congress focused on the multidimensional aspect of air protection. As part of the last thematic block during the second day of the event, a lecture was given by Air Protection Team Manager Katarzyna Stadnik. In her presentation she answered the question “Why should there be an eco-manger in every municipality?” based on the experience of the Malopolska Region in the implementation of the LIFE project”.

E4. Promotion of project implementation
On March 16, in Warsaw, an award ceremony was held for the “Energy Transformation Leader” competition. Malopolska Voivodeship was awarded by the chapter for the implementation of two LIFE integrated projects. The award was received by Deputy Director of the Department of Environment Piotr Łyczko.