Summary of LIFE Małopolska – November 2021

Main events
- On November 8-9 a training was held for employees of communes, including eco-managers,on financial rules and requirements for realization of substantive tasks of the LIFE-IP MALOPOLSKA project.
- The Małopolska Region has participated in numerous conferences, including the international conference on air pollution – towards clean air for Europe, in the framework of the integrated project HungAIRy LIFE; CLIMATE-CON 2021 – Silesian Climate Convention; the conference Virtual Study Tour on emission management organized in the framework of the CityAir project and the Clean Air Academy.
- From November 12 to December 20, another edition of the “Smog-free Małopolska” campaign is conducted by Radio Kraków, PAS and the Małopolska Region.
- On 30 November a meeting was held on the upcoming financial perspective of the cohesion policy, which was attended by representatives of all Marshal Offices. Małopolska Voivodeship was represented by Mr. Piotr Łycz – Deputy Director of the Department of Environment.
- The results of EKOHERO Malopolska plebiscite organized by Gazeta Krakowska and Marshal Office of Małopolska Region were announced.
- Eco-managers distributed over 35 thousand information and educational materials and gave over 12 thousand pieces of advice to inhabitants of Małopolska.
C.1. Eco-managers
Advice and assistance to residents
In November, the Eco-managers employed under the LIFE Program provided consulting assistance to the residents of Malopołska in the amount of:
- 5,079 people admitted to the office,
- 5,703 by phone,
- 524 in writing or by email,
- 819 during visits,
There were 1,061 inspections of residents regarding waste incineration. In 32 cases, violations were found.
Surveys from residents and grant applications
Eco-managers were involved in collecting surveys from residents and reviewing grant applications.
November 2021:
- 154 surveys were collected from residents interested in applying for funding,
- reviewed 223 applications from residents or entities for funding,
- 76 grant agreements were signed with residents or entities and 485 such agreements were settled.
Eco-managers entered or updated data on 7,029 buildings in the heating database.
C.2 Competence Centre
List of low-emission heating appliances
The list of low-emission, ecodesign-compliant solid fuel heating equipment, available at, includes a total of 376 boilers and space heaters.
“Eco-intervention” application
As of November, 797 applications have been accepted. The application is available at
You can specify:
- 667 air pollution reports,
- 103 illegal waste disposal,
- 27 were related to sewage and waste discharges,
The hotline operated by the UMWM Competence Centre answered over 300 phone calls.
Meetings with an expert
National Energy Conservation Agency in the framework of online training “Meeting the expert” in November organized three events attended by eco-advisors:
- 03.11. – Meeting with KAPE expert – State aid,
- 17.11. – Meeting with KAPE expert – Where to seek financial support for investments – White Certificates”,
- 24.11. – Meeting with KAPE expert – Subsidizing modernization of heat sources in small and medium heating companies.
Training for employees of municipalities
On the 8th and 9th of November in the Home Army Museum in Cracow a training was held for the employees of communes, including eco-managers, who are directly responsible for the realization of tasks within the LIFE – Małopolska in a healthy atmosphere project. The training concerned financial rules and requirements for realization of substantive tasks of the LIFE-IP MALOPOLSKA project.

Next edition of the “Smog-free Małopolska” campaign
From November 12th to December 20th another edition of the campaign conducted by Radio Kraków, PAS and the Malopolska Region “Malopolska without smog” is conducted. Each time the measurements are conducted simultaneously in two places. The “Smog-free Małopolska” campaign was inaugurated on Friday, 12th November with measurements in two communes of Krakow’s “obwarzanek”: Mogilany and Czernichów. Then Nowy Targ and Czarny Dunajec. At the end of the action (from 7 to 20 December) two health resorts of Lesser Poland will be visited: Krynica-Zdrój and Piwniczna-Zdrój.

EKOHERO plebiscite settled
The results of EKOHERO Malopolska plebiscite organized by Gazeta Krakowska and Marshal Office of Malopolska Voivodeship were announced. Gołcza won among small communes, Stary Sącz became the most ecological medium commune and Trzebinia the most ecological large one. The title of Eco HERO Company 2021 was awarded to PRAD Sp. z o.o. for the use of modern equipment to fight air pollution and illegal dumping sites. The jury considered the program “Gnojnik Commune – a home for amphibians” to be the most interesting Eco-Initiative.

E.2 Local information and education activities on air protection
Educational materials on air protection
Eco-managers in municipalities:
- produced 43,373 flyers and brochures and 411 posters,
- distributed 33,447 flyers and brochures and 404 posters,
- prepared 1,073 and distributed 1,602 other educational and promotional materials (promotional materials, leaflets related to the Clean Air Program).

Meetings & Events
Eco-managers have organized meetings and events:
- 2 children/youth competitions with 40 participants,
- 45 school meetings attended by 2,271 people,
- 9 meetings with residents, attended by 193 people,
- 48 meetings with local leaders, totaling 345 people.
- 16 other air protection events attended by 3,753 people.

Use of media
Eco-managers in the municipalities have prepared:
- 29 articles in the press,
- 111 articles and online and social media posts,
- 18 times other media were used
and participated in media releases related to the project:
- 6 radio or TV broadcasts.
E3. Networking with other projects
HungAIRy webinar on air pollution
On November 9-10, 2021 in the framework of the integrated project HungAIRy LIFE, an international conference on air pollution – towards clean air for Europe took place. The Małopolska Region was represented by Piotr Łyczko, Deputy Director of the Department of Environment, and Adrianna Frankowska, a desk officer in the Air Protection Team.
Clean Air Academy – The role of an eco-managers in the municipality
On November 25th, during the #Academy of Clean Air webinar, Mr. Piotr Łyczko – Deputy Director of the Department of Environment, talked about the role of an eco-manager at the municipal level, on the example of the Małopolska region.

CLIMATE-CON 2021 – Silesian Climate Convention
CLIMATE-CON 2021 – Silesian Climate Convention took place on 2nd November. The aim of the conference was to educate and raise awareness in the field of air quality improvement. One of the conference speakers was Mr. Piotr Łyczko – Deputy Director of the Department of Environment.
Konferencja Virtual Study Tour on emission management
The Virtual Study Tour on emission management organized under the project CityAir – Technical Assistance for Improving Air Quality and Raising Public Awareness in Cities in Turkey took place on November 22. The event was aimed at the exchange of experience in reducing emissions from residential buildings. Malopolska Region was represented by Aleksandra Pup – Senior Specialist in Air Protection Team. During the presentation she discussed the activities of Malopolska Region which have an impact on emissions from the municipal and household sector, i.e.: anti-smog resolutions, new Air Protection Programme and the activities of LIFE project.
Academy of Clean Air 2021
As part of the #AcademyCleanAir webinar series, 4 meetings were held in October:
- November 4: Electrification in heating – photovoltaics and heat pumps
- Nov. 18: Thermal retrofitting- The best energy is the energy we don’t use.
- November 25: The role of the eco-counselor in the Clean Air Program

F2. Plan for post-program activities
On 30 November a meeting was held on the upcoming financial perspective of the cohesion policy, which was attended by representatives of all Marshal Offices. The meeting was largely devoted to the discussion on the coordination of actions aimed at the elimination of low emissions from the residential sector within the framework of national programs (i.e. Clean Air) and regional operational programs. Małopolska Voivodship was represented by Mr. Piotr Łyczko – Deputy Director of the Environment Department.