Summary of LIFE Malopolska – October 2023

- On October 20, public consultations on the draft update of the Air Protection Program for the Małopolska Voivodeship ended.
- From October 2 to 6, a group of fifty Eco-advisers from the Małopolska Voivodeship made a study visit to Denmark. The purpose of the meeting was to exchange experience and inspiration for faster implementation of measures to improve air quality in the region. The trip was organized by the Marshal’s Office of the Malopolska Region and the National Energy Conservation Agency in cooperation with the Embassy of Denmark in Poland and the State of Green Denmark.
- On October 5, the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Krakow concluded agreements with 25 municipalities in the province, which decided to act as Operators of the Clean Air Program in the pilot conducted in Małopolska.
- On October 5, the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Krakow concluded agreements with 25 municipalities in the province, which decided to act as Operators of the Clean Air Program in the pilot conducted in Małopolska.
- The 21st European Week of Regions and Cities was held in Brussels from October 9-12. This is the largest annual event devoted to regional policy in the European Union. Among the nearly 10,000 participants were representatives of the LIFE MAŁOPOLSKA Project.
- An air quality audit by the European Court of Auditors took place on October 11-13. The audit is aimed at checking projects implemented in the field of air quality improvement and noise protection, which are financed by the European Commission.
- Eco-managers distributed a total of more than 6,000 informational and educational materials and provided more than 10,000 pieces of advice to residents of Malopolska.
C.1 Eco-managers
Advice and assistance to residents
In October, Eco-managers employed under the LIFE program provided advisory assistance to residents of Malopolska in the amount of:
- 4,942 people received in the office,
- 4,630 by telephone,
- 264 in writing or by e-mail,
- 504 during field visits.
832 inspections were carried out with residents regarding waste incineration. In 10 cases, violations were found.
Surveys from residents and applications for funding
Eco-advisers were involved in collecting applications for funding from residents. As of October 2023:
- 538 applications were collected from residents interested in benefiting from subsidies for heat source replacement.
The eco-advisers entered or updated data on 6,880 properties in the Central Energy Efficiency Building Heating Register.
C.2 Competence Center
“Eco-intervention” application
In October, 226 applications were accepted. The application is available at
It can be detailed:
- 154 notifications were related to air pollution,
- 44 illegal waste disposal,
- 17 were related to sewage and waste discharge,
- 12 were classified as other notifications,
The Competence Center responded to more than 90 inquiries to the Marshal’s Office of the Małopolska Region in the form of e-mails and 105 telephone inquiries.
Meeting with an expert
The National Energy Conservation Agency, as part of its online training courses titled “Meeting with an Expert,” held two events in October with eco-advisers:
11.10 – “Can monuments be thermo-modernized? Cultural heritage in the face of the climate crisis”,
25.10 – “Climate laws in Poland and the EU”,

D.1 Monitoring the effects of the implementation of the Air Protection Program for the Małopolska Province
On October 20, public consultations on the draft update of the Air Protection Program for the Małopolska region ended.
E.2 Local air protection information and education activities
Educational materials about air protection
Eco-managers in the municipalities:
- distributed 6,180 leaflets and brochures and 55 posters,
- prepared and distributed 547 other educational and promotional materials (promotional materials, leaflets related to the Clean Air Program, board games and school materials for children).

Meetings and events
Eco-managers organized meetings and events:
- 15 meetings in schools and kindergartens, attended by 559 participants,
- 9 competitions for children and young people, attended by 492 participants,
- 2 meetings with local residents, attended by 37 people,
- 36 meetings with local leaders, with a total of 173 people,
- 10 other events on air protection, attended by 2,825 people.

Use of media
Eco-managers in the municipalities have prepared:
- 18 articles in the press,
- 82 articles and posts on the Internet and social media,
- 14 times other media were used,
- 10 broadcasts on radio or TV.
E3. Networking to share experiences with other projects
Study tour to Denmark!
From October 2 to 6, a group of fifty Eco-Advisers from the Małopolska Voivodeship visited Denmark to exchange experiences and gain inspiration for faster implementation of measures to improve air quality in the region. The trip was organized by the Marshal’s Office of the Malopolska Region and the National Energy Conservation Agency in cooperation with the Embassy of Denmark in Poland and the State of Green Denmark. The visit to Denmark was full of inspiring meetings and presentations. Participants had the opportunity to learn about innovative solutions in the field of sustainable development and the fight against climate change, they visited, among others:
Copenhagen and Realdania, where they learned about the city’s climate programs, State of Green Denmark and VELUX Living Places
Sønderborg – getting acquainted with Danfoss and Project Zero’s assumptions and activities
City of Aarhus, where participants learned about the region’s climate plan and the energy efficiency of innovative model residential buildings
Middelfart Kommune and Føns Nærvarme, where the local community established a district heating plant, probably the smallest in Denmark.

Another acceleration on the road to better air!
On October 5, the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Krakow concluded agreements with 25 municipalities in the province, which decided to act as Operators of the Clean Air Program in the pilot conducted in Małopolska. The pilot assumes the creation of a network of Operators who will assist residents in the effective replacement of heat sources and thermal modernization of their homes. The Operators will act as guides for potential participants in the Clean Air program, especially targeting those with the lowest incomes.

The 21st European Week of Regions and Cities is behind us!
The 21st European Week of Regions and Cities was held in Brussels from October 9-12. This is the largest annual event devoted to regional policy in the European Union. Among the nearly 10,000 participants there were representatives of the LIFE MAŁOPOLSKA Project, who participated in panels on areas related to improving air quality, climate protection and adaptation to living in changing conditions.

F1. Project management
An air quality audit by the European Court of Auditors took place on October 11-13. The audit is aimed at checking projects implemented in the field of urban air quality and noise, which are financed by the European Commission.