The conference “SMOG Skawina fights – and yet it can be done?!” is behind us

Skawina is a municipality near Krakow, which has been very active in implementing measures to improve air quality for several years. During a conference organised by the Skawina local government, the actions taken so far in the fight against smog were summarised.
It is worth noting that a few years ago Skawina was among the most polluted municipalities in Poland, with more than 160 days exceeding standards. Thanks to intensive activities, such as the replacement of 2,700 cookers and hundreds of meetings with residents, today Skawina has become a leader in the fight against smog. And last year, only 16 days with exceedances were recorded. It is also worth highlighting the fact that Skawina was a partner in the LIFE integrated project “Malopolska in a healthy atmosphere”.
Three areas – three sessions
The conference programme included three sessions where experts and representatives of environmental institutions shared their experiences and thoughts.
The first session of the conference, dedicated to education and information, allowed a discussion of effective methods of getting information to residents. The panel discussed various forms of communication, introducing both universal and individual methods of convincing people to replace their cookers. One of the speakers at this session was Ms Katarzyna Stadnik, Head of the Air Protection Team at the Marshal’s Office of the Małopolska Region.
During the second session, issues related to legislation and control tools were discussed. The role of one of the experts during this part was played by Mr Tomasz Pietrusiak – Deputy Director of the Department.
The third session of the conference, entitled “Eco-revolution – it’s already happening!”, focused on the future of anti-smog action. Possible directions for accelerating these activities were discussed, and major obstacles such as social mentality, financial issues or lack of awareness were identified. Using the example of the municipality of Skawina and other localities, the speakers analysed the challenges faced by local authorities and communities in the context of striving for clean air.
To want is to be able to
The conference provided an important forum for the exchange of experience and reflection on the actions taken to date and the future of the fight against smog in Poland. It shows that although the problem is complex, determined action at the local level, supported by appropriate tools and community involvement, can bring positive results.