The deadline for applying for subsidies for the development of electromobility has been extended

The National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management will allocate PLN 10 million for subsidies for poviats and municipalities that invest in electromobility. Applications for support can still be submitted by February 4. The implementation of the program is planned for 2018-2019.
The amount of support depends on the size of cities. Small and medium-sized ones have support provided in the amount of up to PLN 50,000, the large ones up to PLN 100,000. In the case of other local government units or their associations, the number of inhabitants will be taken into account when determining the support amount. All applicants have a chance to obtain subsidies up to 100% of the eligible costs.
The following factors are to be assessed: the feasibility of the schedule of activities aiming at the implementation of the electromobility development strategy, the innovativeness of the solution resulting from the project, the adaptation of the rolling stock and transport infrastructure to the needs of the disabled, and the impact of strategy implementation on air quality improvement.
The provision of the NFEP&WM program provide that one applicant can submit one application for co-financing in the form of a subsidy. What is more, co-financing will not be granted for projects that have already been granted support from the NFEP&WM funds within other programs.