The Marshal’s appeal regarding quality standards for coal

The Marshal of the Malopolska Region addressed the Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and the Minister of Energy, Krzysztof Tchórzewski, with an appeal for the introduction of strict quality standards for solid fuels, decisively accepting the draft Ministry of Energy’s regulation concerning the matter.
The Marshal’s appeal regarding quality standards for coalThe Minister of Energy issued a regulation on quality standards for solid fuels for public consultation on July 13. The draft regulation proposed by the Minister does not fulfill the expectations of any residents expected by the residents and local authorities. The regulation, in the version expected by the public, is to eliminate the coal of poor quality and coal waste from the market. The above-mentioned draft regulation does not give a real chance to improve air quality. Currently, no standards apply, which facilitates the sale of poor quality fuels. The entry into force of the proposed regulation will be a real consent to such practices.