Training for eco-managers on effective communication with residents

The Department of Environment, in cooperation with the Polish Smog Alert and the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, is organizing a workshop as part of the 3rd edition of the Clean Air Academy. This time the leading topic is effective communication of eco-managers with residents.
Another workshop on effective communication with potential beneficiaries of the Clean Air Program is behind us. Classes dedicated to eco-managers from all of Małopolska are taught by a coach with many years of experience – Wojciech Walla /Training Center TRAMPOLINA/- advisor, manager, coach.
The workshop is a great opportunity to improve communication techniques with callers who are potential beneficiaries of the Clean Air Program.
The training program consists of subjects, such as:
- building relationships with clients through proper communication,
- managing emotions, principles of assertiveness,
- psychological aspects of working with a potential beneficiary,
- dealing with difficult situations.

Practical exercises and training in these areas under the guidance of a specialist are sure to affect the effectiveness of eco-advisers’ work. They can also help with dealing with stress in difficult situations and when talking to residents. Furthermore, techniques and methods presented by the coach support building relationships with callers, who are potential beneficiaries of the Clean Air Program. The ability to match the communication style to the type and disposition of the receiver is key for the success of the cooperation between the eco-manager and the resident.
The series of trainings organized as part of the Clean Air Academy is a great opportunity to improve work skills. More than 170 people will participate in the trainings.
- We would like to inform you that it is still possible to sign up for the training. Enrolment can be made through the form available at: Szkolenie dla Ekodoradców z zakresu skutecznej komunikacji – Małopolska w zdrowej atmosferze ( The contact person for the training is Ms. Magdalena Łabuzek, e-mail: [email protected], phone number: 12 63 03 540.