We consult. Share your opinion!

Public consultations on the draft update of the Air Protection Program for the Małopolska province for the next 3-year period have begun. We all have an impact on what we breathe on a daily basis, so we want both residents and local governments to actively and unanimously implement the Air Protection Program.
Towards better air quality
Despite the apparent improvement in recent years, air quality in Małopolska still exceeds permissible and target levels of pollutants. As a result, an update of the Air Protection Program for Małopolska has been prepared. Its purpose is, among other things, to set tasks for municipalities, districts and the province, as well as other entities, thanks to which air quality will improve in the shortest possible time.
The levels of particulate matter and benzo(a)pyrene are exceeded throughout the province. In addition, there is an exceedance of the permissible level of nitrogen dioxide in Krakow. The corrective measures implemented so far have been positively evaluated by the Ministry of Climate and Environment. In addition, the effect of the implemented measures has a direct impact on the improvement of indicators monitored by the Provincial Inspectorate of Environmental Protection. It is worth noting that the updated Program places greater emphasis on information and education activities, and promotes such activities as comprehensive thermo-modernization of buildings and increasing the share of renewable energy sources.
Public consultation begins
For more information on how to take part in the consultation, visit: https://powietrze.malopolska.pl/konsultacje. The draft of the updated air protection program for the Małopolska province is also available there. The deadline for submitting comments is October 20 this year.