Stop Smog Program training behind us!

On October 4, 2021 via the Webex platform a training for employees of municipalities from the Małopolska province was held.
The meeting, organized in cooperation with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management and the Municipality of Skawina, was an opportunity to learn about the changes introduced and facilitations in access to the Stop Smog program, as well as about the experiences of the Skawina Municipality in implementing the program. Over 130 participants took part in the online workshop.
What was the training about?
During the meeting new rules of the Stop Smog program were discussed. This year’s edition of the program, which allows for assistance to people suffering from so-called energy poverty, contains several important simplifications. The most important changes include allowing intercommunal associations and counties to apply to the program in the role of coordinator and allowing grants for installations in buildings owned by the municipality. The period from the conclusion of the agreement to the implementation of the investment has also been extended from 3 to 4 years.
The Skawina commune, one of the first in the Małopolska region to join Stop Smog, also shared its experience in the implementation of the programme. The representatives of the commune discussed step by step the stages of the investment implementation from the selection of beneficiaries to the acceptance of the investment and the documentation.