Ecodesign requirements for boilers and solid fuel boilers

In just a few months, from April 1, 2017, suppliers of solid fuel boilers will be obliged to ensure that they are labeled with energy efficiency labels. The labels will also apply to sets for solid fuel boilers, additional heaters, temperature regulators and solar devices. Energy classes will be assigned as based on the energy efficiency rating (EEI) of the boiler or set from the worst-case G (EEI below 30) to the best A+++ class (EEI of at least 150).
On the other hand, from 1 January 2020, solid fuel boilers placed on the market and in use will have to meet the energy efficiency and pollutant requirements for seasonal heating provided by the provisions of the Commission Implementing Regulation of Directive 2009/125/EC of 21 October 2009 laying down general principles for the definition of ecodesign requirements. From January 1, 2022 similar requirements will also apply to local room heaters (fireplaces, ovens, stoves).
The regulatory impact assessment prepared by the European Commission indicated that the implementation of the new requirements for solid fuel boilers will result in savings of 17-22 PJ (20 petajou = 1 J * 10¹⁵) in the European Union in 2040 and a reduction in particulate matter emissions of 59-78 % while boosting job growth in this sector. In the case of local room heaters, the energy savings will be in the range of 207-313 PJ in 2030 and the reduction of particulate matter emissions will be by 36-42%.
Already today, a solid fuel-fired boiler with a fuel feeding mechanism is a “machine” within the meaning of the Machinery Directive 89/392/EEC and is subject to compliance with the essential requirements set out in the Directive. It must be tested by an independent research unit that is accredited for boiler testing in accordance with PN EN 303-5:2012.
Legal opinion on ecodesign requirements for solid fuel boilers
On the site, there is a list of the boilers that meet Class 5 requirements according to PN-EN 303-5:2012 or ecodesign requirements confirmed by tests conducted by an accredited laboratory. The list is intended to serve the inhabitants in the choice of the most environmentally-friendly solid fuel boilers and municipal authorities to identify equipment that can be funded through the available national and EU programs. Currently, the preparation of the target list regulations is underway to unify the presented information and to more accurately indicate the fulfilled requirements.