Invitation for LIFE IP kick-off meeting

On 22 June 2016 will take place the official kick-off meeting of the LIFE IP Malopolska. The conference will be held in the Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow, John Paul II avenue 39.
To participate in the conference, please contact Małgorzata Musielok, e-mail: [email protected] or by phone +48126303594. The conference will be held in Polish and English. Simultaneous translation will be provided.
Conference Agenda
10:00 Registration.
10:30 Welcome – Jacek Krupa, Marshal of the Małopolska Region.
10:45 Opening keynote – Urszula Nowogórska, President of the Regional Parliament of Małopolska.
Session 1
11:00 Expectations of the European Commission towards LIFE integrated projects – Christian Strasser, LIFE Unit, European Commission.
11:20 Air quality policy in the European Union – Wilhelmus de Wilt, Air Unit, European Commission.
11:40 The experience of the Czech Republic in the implementation of measures to improve air quality – Vendula Breburdová, Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic.
12:00 Cofee break.
Session 2
12:20 Aims of the LIFE IP Małopolska – Wojciech Kozak, Deputy Marshal of the Małopolska Region.
12:40 The priorities of air quality actions in Slovakia and planned activities in the project – Jana Krajčovičová, Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute in Bratislava.
13:00 The role and planned activities of VITO in the project – Clemens Mensink, Lisa Blyth, VITO NV, Belgium.
13:20 The project of advisory support in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources – Małgorzata Mrugała, President of the Board, Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Kraków.
13:40 Supervision over the implementation of the Air quality plan – Ryszard Listwan, Deputy Director of the Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection in Kraków.
14:00 Lunch.
Session 3
14:30 Priorities of the city of Krakow in improving air quality and planned activities in the project – Witold Śmiałek, Advisor to the President of Krakow for the air quality.
14:50 The experience of the municipality of Miechów in the implementation of measures to improve air quality and the role in the project – Dariusz Marczewski, Mayor of Miechów.
15:10 The experience of the municipality of Wadowice in the implementation of measures to improve air quality and the role in the project – Paweł Jodłowski, Municipality of Wadowice.
15:30 The role and planned activities of Kraków Smog Alert in the project – Andrzej Guła, Kraków Smog Alert.
15:50 The role and planned activities of the Polish National Energy Conservation Agency in the project – Karolina Loth-Babut, Managing director of the Polish National Energy Conservation Agency.
16:10 Closing.