Summary of the implementation of the Air Quality Plan in 2015
Another year in a row, the Marshal Office of the Malopolska Region summarized the implementation of the Air Quality Plan for the Malopolska Region.
The analysis concerned the tasks carried out in 2015 which directly or indirectly influenced the improvement of air quality in the Malopolska Region. In 2015, more than 10 thousand investments were conducted in the Malopolska Region in the area of surface emission reduction. The investments included liquidation of solid fuel boilers (4446), thermo-modernization (667), use of renewable energy (5260) and modernization of district heating (30). The actions aimed at reducing surface emissions undertaken by municipalities and counties have reduced particulate matter emissions, PM10 and PM2.5, by 150 Mg and benzo (a) pyrene by approx. 65 kg. The degree of implementation of the Air Quality Plan for the Malopolska Region until 2023 currently amounts to 7.8%.
The reporting system for monitoring the progress of the objectives of the Air Quality Plan covers all municipalities and counties of the Malopolska Region. The Marshal of the Malopolska Region, on the basis of the reports received, sends information to the Malopolska Region Environmental Protection Inspector regarding the implementation of the Air Quality Plan in order to exercise statutory powers to control the execution of the tasks specified in the Program.
Detailed information on the implementation of the Air Quality Plan in the Malopolska Region in the years 2013-2015 can be found in the tab Effects of the Program implementation.