The project selection criteria for the exchange of heat sources within the ROPMR 2014-2020 were determined

The criteria for selecting projects for the replacement of heat sources in individual households under the Measure 4.4 “Reduction of Pollution Emissions to Air” of the Regional Operational Program for the Malopolska Region for the years 2014-2020 were determined.
The most important prerequisites for evaluating the submitted projects include:
- Obligation of the final customers to be subject to the energy assessment of the building made prior to the project implementation and the energy modernization of the building within the scope resulting from the aforementioned assessment. If the building has a maximum value of EPH+W (non-renewable primary energy for heating, ventilation and domestic hot water) not greater than 150 kWh / (m² x year) for single-family houses or 135 kWh / (m² x year) for multi-family homes, Energy-efficient retrofitting of the building will not be required. In the case of historic residential buildings, it will be possible not to perform the assessment based on the EPH+W indicator and to specify the minimum range of thermo-modernization works needed.
- Consideration of the project in the Low Carbon Economy Plan for the area, as reviewed and confirmed by the WFOŚiGW in Cracow or the NFEP & WM with respect to the correctness of the preparation of the document.
- Achieving CO2 emission reduction of at least 30% for the existing installations.
- Using of the right kind of heating systems based on boilers or room heaters burning biomass, coal or gaseous fuels or using renewable energy sources or being connected to the heating network. The supported heating appliances must have the minimum energy efficiency and emission standards set out in the implementing provisions of Directive 2009/125/EC of 21 October 2009 establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products (the so-called Ecodesign Directive). This requirement applies to all fuels permitted for use in the equipment instructions. In addition, biomass or coal fired boilers must be equipped with an automatic fuel feeder (not for gasification boilers) and must not have any emergency grate or the possibility for mounting it.
- Providing a control system for the operation of the heating devices to fulfill the obligation to dismantle the old boiler, using only a subsidized heating system as a primary source of heat in the building, no unauthorized modifications of a boiler to incinerate waste (e.g. an additional grate), observing the fuel parameters approved by the device manufacturer and given in the device’s operating instructions, including the end user’s approval of having sampled and inspected the fuel sample parameters, and ensuring proper fuel storage conditions to protect it against damp.
- Ensuring project compliance with district heating network development plans – if the connection to the district heating network is planned by the end of September 2019, the project must include the elimination of the old heat source and the connection to the district heating network.
Additional points will be awarded to projects that provide for connection to the local heating network, environmental awareness activities, the preparation of a shelter program for people who incur increased heating costs of the premises associated with permanent change of heating system and when the project is being implemented in the municipalities in which it is necessary to undertake corrective actions consisting in the liquidation of old non-disposable heating devices and specified in the current Air Quality Plan for the Malopolska Region. The projects that will result in a higher reduction of CO and PM10 and PM2.5 (over 40%) will also be promoted.
The Malopolska Region allocated a total of EUR 420 million for the projects within the Regional Energy Policy, including EUR 100 million for actions aimed at reducing air pollution. The planned start date for the call for grant applications for subregions under sub-measure 4.4.2 Reduction of low emission and 4.4.3 Reduction of low emission (solid fuels) – SPR is Q4 2016.