LIFE Technical Assistance project
The Technical Assistance (TA) project covers the preparation of a full application to the LIFE Integrated Project (IP) scheme concerning the implementation of the Air Quality Plan for the Małopolska Region. A full application, prepared within the TA project, will be submitted during the nearest call of proposals, planned for April 2015.
The scope of the TA project covers activities aimed at development of the project application and budget for the planned IP. The activities covered by the TA comprise:
- Revision of lessons learnt from selected projects carried out in the area of air quality, climate change and energy efficiency.
- Work with the project co-beneficiaries, partners and other stakeholders in order to develop a detailed action plan for LIFE IP.
- Development of the ToR for high-resolution modelling as an active tool for air quality management in selected municipalities in the Małopolska Region and assessing potential for regional (emissions) modelling under the IP.
- Development of the detailed concept for an awareness raising campaign in the Małopolska region and networking for trans-boundary cooperation of civil society groups from Slovakia and the Czech Republic.
- Drafting and submission of the full LIFE IP application to the European Commission.
The key objectives of the IP project include: strengthening the implementation of the Małopolska Region Air Quality Plan and mobilizing structural funds (2014 – 2020) for air quality and energy efficiency improvement in the Małopolska Region.
Concepts and plans prepared within the LIFE Technical Assistance project
Ecomanagers and Excellence Centre
First workshop with partners dedicated to concept of Ecomanagers
Second workshop with partners summarizing concept of Ecomanagers and Excellence Centre
High resolution modelling
Interregional modelling in LIFE IP
High resolution modelling in LIFE IP
Workshop on high resolution modelling for Krakow
Workshop on regional modelling in Malopolska, Slovakia and Czech Republic
Consultation meeting with Krakow scientific environment
Education and information campaigns
Media campaign as part of LIFE integrated project (in Polish)
Education and information campaign in LIFE project (in Polish)
Workshop with partners on concept of media campaigns and educational activities