Eco-advisors in every municipality with funding

The Board of the Małopolska Voivodeship announced today a call for applications for financing the operation of eco-managers in municipalities. The first Eco-managers appeared in Poland through the implementation of the integrated LIFE program “Implementation of the Air Protection Program for the Malopolska Region – Malopolska in a healthy atmosphere”.
Thanks to the expertise and commitment of the Eco-managers to improving air quality, today we have visible results at all measuring stations in the region. Ecodoradors have direct contact with residents. They help obtain grants from such programs as: “Clean Air”, “My Heat” or “My Electricity”. In addition, they are engaged in environmental education of residents, the elderly, but also the youngest. They organize meetings, lectures at schools and educational and ecological stands during municipal events.
Malopolska was the first to establish a network of Eco-managers under the LIFE project. Today we already have 250 Ekodoracs in 182 municipalities. Thanks to them, residents have gained the opportunity for professional consultation in the field of thermal modernization of buildings and replacement of off-grade boilers. This model of support has worked well, so we want to continue it, while supporting local governments financially. We are already inviting all units to apply for funds.
Highlighted Jozef Gawron – Deputy Marshal of the Malopolska Region.
Who is the recruitment targeting?
In order to ensure the continuity of the work of Eco-managers in the region, and thus guarantee residents professional and free assistance with formalities related to home insulation and furnace replacement, a call for applications to subsidize the activities of Eco-advisers was launched on June 29. Local government units, their unions and associations can apply for the funds. The total pool of funds provided in the project is nearly 90 million zlotys.
What can the funding be used for?
The purpose of the funding will be to support the implementation of the tasks of municipal Eco-managers. First of all, the funds can be used to employ an Eco-advisor and establish and equip a stationary service point for residents. Another important element subject to funding is the conduct of local information and education campaigns on climate and air protection. Units will be able to receive funds for preparing and implementing a municipal energy transition strategy. An additional area that will also constitute an eligible cost is countering the problem of energy poverty in the municipality. Also noteworthy is the measure to analyze and manage energy consumption in private and public buildings, for which a grant can also be obtained.
The maximum value of the subsidy is PLN 500,000 per municipality. The maximum funding percentage is 85%. The call runs from June 29 to December 29, 2023.
How to make an application?
The project application must be submitted only through the IGA System, which is available at
Detailed terms and conditions for the call are in the Rules of Procedure for project selection. All project documents can be found on the website of European Funds for Małopolska 2021-2027 at