Energy efficiency in buildings the best way to save money and care for the environment

The Polish Aviation Museum in Krakow hosted a conference on investments to increase the energy efficiency of buildings. The meeting was attended by more than 200 employees of municipalities and county offices, who deal on a daily basis with improving the energy efficiency of buildings, air protection and adaptation to climate change.
Improving the efficiency of heating systems
In the first part of the meeting, Dr. Michal Kaczmarczyk of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow presented the key principles of selecting a new heat source as an alternative to solid fuel boilers. These were issues of particular relevance to Eco-managers and Climate and Environmental Advisors, who support residents on a daily basis with the formalities of replacing an old stove and insulating a building. During the speech, various solution options were discussed. Participants of the meeting also learned about ways to determine the energy demand of buildings. The speaker also drew attention to the most common mistakes made when replacing a boiler and modernizing an installation.
Public programs as a response to energy efficiency challenges
Improving the energy efficiency of buildings is often a heavy financial burden for the investor. The answer to these costs are grant programs from domestic, but also foreign sources. Participants in the meeting learned about the principles of financing investments improving the energy efficiency of residential and public buildings using various forms of subsidies. Wojciech Bodziacki of Bank Ochrony Środowiska presented several programs offering financial support for thermomodernization and renovation projects, such as a loan with a BGK premium, an EKOloan for local governments, or the ELENA Project (European Local Energy Assistance).
Amendment of the law on energy performance of buildings
In the third part of the meeting, representatives of the Ministry of Development and Technology, Barbara Wąsowska and Barbara Oskwarek, introduced the principles of performing energy performance certificates and conducting periodic inspections of heating and air conditioning systems. In response to a number of questions related to upcoming legislative changes, the speakers presented the regulations currently in force along with planned changes to the law. Participants at the conference learned about the model energy performance certificate and the principles of energy certification, but most importantly, they received answers to many questions about, among other things, the circumstances that obligate the preparation of an energy performance certificate and the authority to issue them. Specialists from the Department of Low Carbon Economy also presented the principles of inspection of heating and air conditioning systems and details of the resulting protocols.